Metapragmatics: When the author brings meaning and the addressee context
The present article is formulated against the background of a theory of metapragmatics that studies how the effects of language usage are objects of discourse analyses. The notion of metapragmatics is discussed as it follows from approaches by Jacobson, Silverstein, Verschueren, Spitzmüller and is in line with modern approaches in intercultural sociolinguistics. Metapragmatics focuses on the reflexive metacommunicative effects of linguistic choices in discourse. Metapragmatic reflexivity is behind the meaning construction and linguistic choice when considering language in use. As a point of departure in analyzing the meaning making processes is the presumption, that meaning derives from social situation. The focus is placed on the notion of social sharing. Semantisation and contextualization are discussed as connected but sometimes divergent processes. The present paper aims to prove that understanding is the result of proper contextualization in which utterances are made to fit a particular context. Context change, or incorrect contextualization, can cause communicative conflicts and misunderstandings. Thus this paper has two central notions of context and contextualization to discuss the processes of meaning making within social practice. The theoretical and methodological framework under discussion is exemplified on a modern Russian sociocultural practice. The social effects of misunderstandings through context change are considered.
metapragmatics, language in society, context, contextualization
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Auer 2009 — Auer P. Context and contextualization: Key notions of pragmatics. Verschueren J., Östman J.-O. (eds.). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2009. P. 86–101. Вестник СПбГУ. Язык и литература. 2020. Т. 17. Вып. 1 147
Blommaert 2005 — Blommaert J. Discourse: A critical introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Рress, 2005. 299 p.
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Dijk 2008 — Dijk T.A. van. Discourse and context: A sociocognitive approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. 267 p.
Dijk 2009 — Dijk T.A. van. Society in discourse: How context controls text and talk. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. 287 p.
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Duranti, Goodwin 1992 — Duranti A., Goodwin Ch. Rethinking context: An introduction. In: Rethinking context: Language as an interactive phenomenon. Duranti A., Goodwin Ch. (eds.). Ser.: Studies in the Social and Cultural Foundations of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. P. 1–42.
Frye 1947 — Frye N. Fearful symmetry: A study of William Blake. Princeton (NJ): Princeton University Press, 1947. 472 p.
Gumperz 2002 — Gumperz J.J. Sharing common ground. In: Soziale Welten und kommunikative Stile. Keim I., Schütte W. (eds.). Tübingen: Narr, 2002. P. 47–55.
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Kulikova 2019 — Kulikova L.V. Intercultural mediation: a discourse-analytical perspective. Voprosy kognitivnoi lingvistiki. 2019, (3): 26–35. DOI: 10.20916/1812-3228-2019-3-26-35.
Schank, Abelson 1977 — Schank R.C., Abelson R. Scripts, plans, goals and understanding: An inquiry into human knowledge structures. Hillsdale (NJ): Erlbaum, 1977. 248 p.
Silverstein 2003 — Silverstein M. Indexical order and the dialectics of sociolinguistic life. Language and Communication. 2003, 23 (3–4): 193–229.
Spitzmüller 2013 — Spitzmüller J. Metapragmatik, Indexikalität, soziale Registrierung: Zur diskursiven Konstruktion sprachideologischer Positionen. Zeitschrift für Diskursforschung. 2013, (1/3): 263–287.
Verschueren 2000 — Verschueren J. Notes on the role of metapragmatic awareness in language use. Pragmatics. 2000, 10 (4): 439–456.
Widdowson 2004 — Widdowson H.G. Text, context, pretext: Critical issues in discourse analysis. Ser.: Language in Society. Milden (MA): Wiley-Blackwell, 2004. 200 p.
Zemtzov 1991 — Zemtzov I. Encyclopedia of Soviet life. London: New Brunswick, 1991. 261 p.
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