Culture: Towards its explanatory charge in discourse linguistics


  • Holger Kuße Technische Universität Dresden, D-01062, Germany
  • Valeria E. Chernyavskaya Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, 19, Politechnicheskaia ul., St. Petersburg, 196135, Russia



The article reviews various culture theories and analyses the ways these can be operationalized in discourse linguistics. Culture is seen as a complex and multifaceted category that includes material, social, and mental culture, i.e. ‘things’, ‘behaviour’, and ‘values’, ‘knowledge’, ‘mentality’ and so forth. The understanding of culture is intertwined with that of language. Therefore we show that the notion of ‘culture’ is the object of investigation of cultural linguistics (kulturwissenschaftliche Linguistik) and discourse linguistics. Linguistic studies investigating the relationship between the language(s) and culture(s) can distinguish two methodological approaches. One of the approaches is associated with the name of Wilhelm von Humboldt. This approach presents the language primarily as an ethnic or national language while understanding culture as one whole ethnic and national phenomenon. They are supposed to be in direct linguistic and mental interrelationship. Humboldt trend in the Russian linguistics is also called linguoculturology studies. In contrast, the discourse-linguistic approach is associated with discourse-mediated culturological linguistics. It describes ethnic/national languages in terms of discourses. We take the position of discourse oriented cultural linguistics that presumes that the discourses overlay ethnic/national languages, i.e. they have rules that are not ethnic or national. We consider the explanatory charge and theoretical implications of discourse oriented cultural linguistics. In the framework of the ideological contextualization of ‘culture’ we discuss the notions of ideology and identity. The performance of cultural identity is not a matter of articulating one identity/one culture, but of the operationalization of a repertoire of culture specific features in discourse practice.


cultural linguistics, discourse linguistics, Wilhelm von Humboldt, ideology, identity


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Kuße 2007 — Kuße H. Positives Bewerten: Diskurssensitive Beispiele aus dem Russischen und Tschechischen. Zeitschrift für Slawistik. 2007, 51/2: 138–177.

Kuße 2012 — Kuße H. Kulturwissenschaftliche Linguistik. Eine Einführung. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck& Ruprecht, 2012. 319 S.

Kuße 2014 — Kuße H. Verantwortung — Modelle und argumentative Konzepte eines globalen Werts in Europa. In: Interkulturalität unter dem Blickwinkel von Semantik und Pragmatik. Csaba Földes (Hg.). Tübingen: Narr-Francke-Attempto-Verlag, 2014. S. 109–129.

Kuße 2015 — Kuße H. Modelle der Verantwortung und der Pflicht. Ansätze zur Wertelinguistik. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach. 2015, 75: 83–120.

Metten 2014 — Metten T. Kulturwissenschaftliche Linguistik: Entwurf einer Medientheorie der Verständigung. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter, 2014. 481 S.

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Schindler 2002 — Schindler N. Vom Unbehagen in der Kulturwissenschaft: Eine Polemik. Historische Anthropologie. Kultur — Gesellschaft — Alltag. 2002, 10 (2): 276–294.

Schirato, Yell 2000 — Schirato T., Yell S. Communication and culture: An introduction. London, Thousand Oaks & New Delhi: Sage, 2000. 204 p.

Spitzmüller 2007 — Spitzmüller J. Sprache und Identität: Warum die Anglizismen die Gemüter erhitzen. Muttersprache. 2007, 117 (3): 185–198.

Spitzmüller, Warnke 2011 — Spitzmüller J., Warnke I. Diskurslinguistik: Eine Einführung in Theorien und Methoden der transtextuellen Sprachanalyse. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter, 2011. 236 S.

Spitzmüller 2013 — Spitzmüller J. Metapragmatik, Indexikalität, soziale Registrierung: Zur diskursiven Konstruktion sprachideologischer Positionen. Zeitschrift für Diskursforschung. 2013, 1 (3): 263–287.

Spitzmüller 2017 — Spitzmüller J. ‚Kultur‘ und das ‚Kulturelle‘: Zur Reflexivität eines begehrten Begriffs. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik. 2017, 67: 3–23.

van Dijk 1995 — van Dijk T. Discourse analysis as ideology analysis. In: Language and Peace. Schäffner C., Wenden A. (eds.). Aldershot: Dartmouth. 1995. P. 17–33.



How to Cite

Kuße, H., & Chernyavskaya, V. E. (2019). Culture: Towards its explanatory charge in discourse linguistics. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 16(3), 444–462.


