The Diegetic Narrator in the Documentary-Portrait
The paper derives from the feeling of unrest that the “narrative turn” in the study of the on-screen documentary has not happened yet, although the concept level (sociological, philosophical, cognitive, rhetorical, and so on) has obvious potential for research of the “filechecker” media text. For a mass audience, television was and still is one of the main “story-tellers”, and it is not just a metaphor. Comparison of individual documentary-portrait film monologues of the classical period of Soviet television and their analogues in modern Russian TV gives grounds to establish both the differences and similarities. The similar task is to create an autobiographical narrative, which defines the main thing: the hero of the story is approached as a diegetic narrator. The author, intentionally acting within the scope of this narrative strategy, also uses other ways of narration: intertext, collective narrative and the author’s text.
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