Temporal periphery of the scientific text (non-narrative functions of Perfekt and Präteritum)
The functional potential of the grammatical forms of the German Perfekt and Präteritum which referred initially to the events of the past and potentially related to narrative is not only confined in the scientific linguistic texts with the excursions into the history of science or to a retelling of the expert opinions of predecessors or to the historical background or to the reports of the previous preparatory work of the author. The single text realizations of Perfekt and Präteritum are aimed to include the pragmatic aspects of the text content and above all at its metacommunicative components. They are related, firstly, to the organization and the structuring of scientific information (the internal text deixis) or to the providing the intertextual reference to the pretexts (the background references). Second, such statements are intended
in the context of scientific speech to execute the addressee-control functions and to provide the recursive contact with the recipient, managing his perception and attention and pushing forward the scientific exposition (Perfekt and Präteritum of the relevant significance or of the initial/final generalization). The reference to the past in such implementations fades in the context background or completely neutralized with the context.
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