Healthy lifestyle categorization by means of phraseology: axiological approach


  • Вера Сергеевна Бацуева Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after A.A.Ezhevsky, Molodezhny Settlement, 664038, Irkutsk Region, Russian Federation


The article looks at the categorization of a healthy lifestyle by means of phraseology. Based on a selection from lexicographical sources of the English language, a classification of phraseological units that categorize a healthy lifestyle was created. The etymology of the abovementioned phraseological units and their performance in the Internet texts are analyzed. 


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Coyne K. I’m Taking This Hour by Hour. Available at:,,20287246,00.html (accessed 03.11.12).

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Jacobs C. River Wise. Available at: (accessed 20.11.12).

Couch Potato. Available at: (accessed 28.12.13).

Mouse Potato. Available at: (accessed 27.12.12).

McCormack J. Stay in the Game. Available at: (accessed 08.11.12).

The Phrase Finder. Available at: (accessed 23.12.12).

Davidson C. The Endorsement: the Meat Bandage. Available at: (accessed 01.12.12).

Brown L. Mila Koonis: the Good Bad Girl. Available at: slide-1 (accessed 03.12.12).

People Magazine. Country’s Hottest Guys. Available at:,,20282097,00.html (accessed 15.12.12).

Know Your Phrase. Available at: (accessed 20.12.12).

Stein J. Benjamin. Terminate Macgyver. Available at: (accessed 25.12.12).

Prince J. The Secrets of Ageless Women. Available at: slide-1 (accessed 25.12.12).



How to Cite

Бацуева, В. С. (2015). Healthy lifestyle categorization by means of phraseology: axiological approach. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 12(2), 48–61. Retrieved from


