Linguopraxiologic peculiarities of the business newspaper texts


  • Лилия Рашидовна Дускаева St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia



The article discusses linguopraxiological features of business publications, these are particularities of selection and combination of language means to express professional speech procedures and actions. Linguopraxiological approach allows us to determine the specifics of professional speech production in the speech consistency in the publications. The object of the analysis are the texts of the most famous Russian business publications, while the subject is a verbal behavior of the journalists reflected through the selection and combination of the language means in the texts. The study has allowed to establish that the rules of the verbal behavior established in the professional culture for this type of publications are the dominance of the reporting of speech acts, maintaining a communicative distance between the author, addressee, and “third” persons. The first is due to the high information density of publications, the second is the objectification of presentation and predominance of indirect showing of expression. High information density is manifested in concise and explicative character of speech. Conciseness is supported by terminology, abbreviations, prevalence of the Latin alphabet, stringent selection of objective quantitative, spatial and temporal characteristics of the object of the speech. Explaining nature of the speech manifests itself in the active interpretations of words, especially in plug-in designs, infographics, allowing to describe trends, market situation, etc. in a simple way. The aim on the objectivity of presentation, keeping the distance with other communicants is manifested in graphic presentation of information and in demonstration of information that is received from a competent source and in the almost complete absence of openly expressed subjective moduses (perceptivity, evaluation, volitition, etc.).


linguopraxiology, extratext, text, procedure of professional speech activity, speech actions and steps


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How to Cite

Дускаева, Л. Р. (2018). Linguopraxiologic peculiarities of the business newspaper texts. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 15(2), 197–208.


