The problem of semantization of mental state vocabulary in the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language


  • Ilona V. Zamanova Pushkin Leningrad State University, 10, Peterburgskoye shosse, Pushkin, St. Petersburg, 196605, Russia



The article deals with the problems of psychic state definition in common explanatory dictionaries.
The term “semantization” stands for the process and result of verbal unit semantic content revealing with regard to the particular language system, so that it can be correctly used in speech or translated into another language. “The Great Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language” in 30 volumes (2004) and “The Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary
Language” in 17 volumes (1948–1965) were used as the basis for the research. Psychic state
is understood in the article as a static uncontrolled object-free psychic process with hardly
determining causality. The aim of the study was to identify the types of the definition problems;
ultimately, we tried to suggest some possible ways to solve them. The following types were identified: there is no distinguishing of the states, feelings, properties meanings in the vocabulary definitions; the separation of the psychical state on the basis of properties and feelings
lexical meaning is inconsistent and non-unified; formed on the basis of the psychic state the psychic figurative sense has been allocated not holistically; approximate interpretation by synonyms still be an unsolved problem. As a result of the study a hypothesis about the regular (but not productive) semantic derivation of psychical properties and feelings into the sphere of states, as well as physiological states into the sphere of psychical ones was also put forward. The article proposes to distinguish between states, properties and feelings. The semantic classification
of verbs is suggested to use to prove the correctness of the distinction. In addition it
seems necessary to insert the states into the psychical properties (the features of the subjects
or objects) lexical meanings system, as well as into the feelings (psychical processes, that is
directed at the object and have a clear causality). Also for definite lexemes it is seems to be necessary to insert a psychical states figurative meaning into the definition of the physiological ones.


emotive vocabulary, psychical states in language, lexicography of emotions, ambiguity


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How to Cite

Zamanova, I. V. (2024). The problem of semantization of mental state vocabulary in the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 21(2), 446–466.


