Pushkin anthological epigram: Poetics of self-referentiality


  • Maria N. Virolainen The Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 4, nab. Makarova, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia




“Beauty in front of the mirror”, “Statue in Tsarskoye Selo”, “Who grew the tender roses of Theocritus in the snow?” by Pushkin, as well as some anthological epigrams of his contemporaries). The ancient Greek epigram, distinguished by clear formal features and a wide variety of content, recorded, as a rule, only something static or instantaneous. This quality ensured, in the eyes of Pushkin’s contemporaries, the authenticity of the transmission and perception of the object depicted in the epigram. In anthological epigrams of the first third of the 19th century, deviations from such primordial features of the genre as the elegiac distich and the absence of rhyme were allowed, but the static nature, anti-narrativeness, and embodiment of an instantaneous, non-deployable state characteristic of ancient models were preserved. In connection with the last feature, the question arises as to whether a lyrical plot can be realized within the framework of such a genre. Using the example of Pushkin’s epigrams, which are not an inscription addressed to a really existing object, but create a convincing plastic image (creating their own denotation), it is shown that the event component of such texts (their lyrical plot) lies in the very act of embodiment of a visible object, in the act of its acquisition of existence. In a number of cases, this act becomes the subject of poetic reflection, the epigram comprehends itself and becomes self-referential. The substance of poetry, cleared of narration (Yu. N. Chumakov’s terms), is presented in such cases as a self-creating and self-interpreting principle.


A. S. Pushkin, anthological poetry, epigram, self-referentiality


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How to Cite

Virolainen, M. N. (2024). Pushkin anthological epigram: Poetics of self-referentiality. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 21(2), 320–331. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu09.2024.203



Literary Studies