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Author Guidelines

1. General guidelines

1.1. Research articles and reviews submitted for publication should be original, finalised, and previously unpublished manuscripts. Articles can be submitted in English or Russian.

1.2. Authors should submit their manuscripts by e-mail to the Editorial Board ( from their personal or institutional e-mail addresses.

1.3. The Editorial Board will not consider manuscripts submitted via:
— paper copies;
— USB flash drives, CD, DVD, or other types of data storage devices;
— e-mail addresses of third party.

1.4. The manuscript should include metadata (information about the author, abstracts, key words), main text, and "Literature" and "References" lists. All of the information must be contained in one file.

1.5. Recommended length of the manuscript (including metadata, footnotes and references) should be:
— for articles 35000–60000 characters with spaces;
— for reviews 20000–40000 characters with spaces.

1.6. Formatting:
— the file should be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc or .doсx);
— Times New Roman; the manuscript body in 12 pt, footnotes in 10 pt;
— the margins should be 2 cm on each side;
— lines in the text should be 1,5 spaced;
— full justification;
— first line indent of one centimetre for each paragraph;
— all non-Latin words and names should be Romanised according to the transliteration schemes approved by the Library of Congress (LC);
— text in Greek, Chinese, Hebrew, Old Slavic or any other languages should be in a Unicode font in 12 pt. Fonts are available at

2. Metadata

2.1. Metadata (including the author’s details, abstracts, and keywords) should precede the main text of the manuscript.

2.2. All information about the author should be contained on the first page of the manuscript file sent to the editorial office.

2.3. Metadata should be in the following order (the items marked with asterisk * are compulsory only for Russian-speaking authors):
— the author’s full name, academic degree, position (title), place of employment, institutional mailing address (country, postcode, city, street, and building number), e-mail;
— * the author’s full name transliterated into Cyrillic script; academic degree, position (title), place of employment, institutional mailing address (country, postcode, city, street, and building number) translated in Russian;
— the author’s contact phone number (e.g. 7-(000)-000-00-00). The phone number will not be published in the journal or sent to third parties;
— funding information in case the author(s) received support to carry out research for the submitted manuscript;
— the author’s initials and last name (italicized);
— the title of the article (capitalized);
— an abstract of 200–300 words in English;
— the keywords (the word Keywords should be italicized) - 5 words/ words-combinations;
— * the author’s initials and last name transliterated into Cyrillic script (italicized);
— * the title of the article translated in Russian (capitalized);
— * an abstract of 200–300 words in Russian;
— * the keywords in Russian (should be italicized).

2.4. Section headings

All headlines should be without numeration. Only the first letter of the heading and the first letters of proper names should be capitalised; the manuscript can have up to two levels of headings (inclusive), which should be formatted accordingly:
Level 1 headings (for example, Introduction, Conclusions, etc.) should appear in bold on a separate line;
Level 2 headings should be in bold italics on a separate line.

3. UDC code

In the upper left corner of the second page of the manuscript (where the main body of the text begins) the UDC code should be placed, which accurately reflects the subject of the article (

4. Spelling and punctuation

4.1. ‘English (United Kingdom)’ spelling should be used consistently throughout the manuscript.

4.2. In all cases except those where you need to give a range of numbers, use an em dash (—) (Ctrl + Alt + “minus” on NumPad or Alt + 0151 on NumPad).

4.3. In all cases when you need quotation marks, use double angle quotation marks (« »); if you need to quote something within a quotation, use curly quotation marks (“ ”).

5. Quotations

5.1. Quotations of less than three lines should be given in the main text in double angle quotation marks (« »).

5.2. Quotations of more than three lines should start on a new line and be indented 2 cm from the left margin, without quotation marks; Times New Roman, size 10.

5.3. References to the quotations should be included in the text right after the end of the quote parenthetically (see the “References and Endnotes” section below).

6. Examples and emphasis

6.1. In-text examples should appear in italics, and their translations in regular font, in double angle quotation marks (« »); translation from all languages with the exception of Russian and English is required.

6.2. The meaning of linguistic examples should be set off with single quotation marks (‘ ’).

6.3. For emphasis of words and phrases in the text, use either bold or bold italic styles, depending on the style of the rest of the text; do not apply underline formatting.

7. Page numbering

Page numbers should be centred at the bottom of each page (using the page footer).

8. Dates and numbers

8.1. Dates should be given in the following format: 5 August 1982.

8.2. Numbers from 1 to 10 inclusive are written as full words; numbers 11 and over should be written as numbers.

8.3. Centuries should be written in Roman numerals: XXI; decades — in the following format: 1980s.

9. Names of people

9.1. A person’s first name (and patronymic, if applicable) should only appear in the text when it is mentioned for the first time, in the form of initials preceding the person’s last name (except in cases where the manuscript mentions several people with the same last name).

9.2. Initials should be separated from each other and the person’s last name with non-breaking spaces (Ctrl + Shift + Space).

9.3. Where it is needed, the information about a person’s years of birth and death should be provided in the text right after the first mention of his/her name parenthetically, years separated by an en dash without spaces, for example: F. F. Fortunatov (1848–1914).

10. Titles of works

Work titles — both in Cyrillic and Latin characters — should be enclosed by double angle quotation marks (« »).

11. Abbreviations

The following abbreviations should be used: г. (год) [year]; гг. (годы) [years]; в. (век) [century] вв. (века) [centuries]; т. е. (то есть) [i.e.]; т. н. (так называемый) [so called]; в т. ч. (в том числе) [including]; и т. д. (и так далее) [etc.]; и т. п. (и тому подобное) [etc.]; и др. (и другие) [etc.]; напр. (например) [for example].

12. In-text-lists

12.1. All lists should be formatted with the MS Word tool.

12.2. Lists that are not part of a higher-level list should be formatted as numbered lists, with a 1.5 cm indent from the left margin.

12.3. Lists within a larger, numbered multilevel list should be formatted as bulleted lists, with a 2.0 cm indent from the left margin.

13. Internal text references and footnotes

13.1. Cited references in the article-body should be enclosed in square brackets and contain the last name of the author and the publication year of the work: [Bakhtin 1963]; if there are several works published by the same author in the same year, the year should be followed by a Latin letter, corresponding to the alphabetic order of such works in the reference list: [Bakhtin 1963а]. If the source has one or two authors, the surnames of the authors should be listed; if the source has multiple authors or has no information about the authors, the title of the source should be listed (long names can be shortened): [Philosophy of culture 1999]. If the source has multiple parts or volumes, include the name and the number of the volume/part: [Ivanov 2000, vol. 1]. Page numbers and a colon should be included for quotations: [Bakhtin 1963: 25]. If you cite a source that refers to other sources, include a semicolon to separate the sources: [Bakhtin 1963; Ivanov 2000, vol. 1: 45].

13.2. Information about the sources can be placed in footnotes. Footnotes should be numbered successively throughout the text.

13.3. The rules for in-text references of the sources are the same as for references to the list of “Literature”. The list of the sources and fiction-sources are placed after the text of the article in a separate section (for example, in the sections “Dictionaries” and “Sources”). Translation and transliteration are not required.

13.4. Notes to the quoted sources are located in footnotes. Further mentions of the source are given in short form, indicating page numbers.

The first mention:
Gogol N. V. Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka. Quoted by: Gogol N. V. Complete Works and Letters. In 23 Volumes. Volume 1. Moscow: Science; IMLI RAS, 2003. p. 69–248. (Further — Evenings).

Further mentions:
Evenings. p. 75.

14. Lists of literature and references

14.1. The main text of the manuscript should be followed by the bibliographical list (“References”), which must be arranged numerically and alphabetically. References should provide information for every secondary source cited in the manuscript (books, journal articles, doctoral dissertations).

14.2. “References” should not include bibliographical entries for any primary sources (both published and manuscript), fiction books, and electronic sources. References to these sources are made in the form of footnotes and numbered lists (see 12).

14.3. The “Reference” list should provide complete bibliographical information for each source, including:
— author’s last name and initials;
— title of the book or article;
— title of the edited collection or the journal;
— editor’s name (for the edited collection);
— place of publication (in full, without abbreviations, e.g. New York);
— Publisher’s name:
The names of non-English publishers should be translated in English;
If the publisher’s name does not contain any words identifying it as a publishing house, the label “Publ.” should be added to the name (E.g. Atlantic Book Publ.; Nauka Publ.);
If the publisher’s name is not known, the label [s.n.] should be used;
If the work was published by a printing press, the labels “Print.” And “Print. House” should be used, depending on its status (e.g. Little, Brown & Co. Print.);
— year of publication;
— volume and/or issue number for journals and other periodicals;
— total number of pages or relevant page range;
— indication of language for non-English editions, (e.g. (In Russian)).

14.4. Samples of citing:

I. Books and monographs:

Author YYYY — Author N.S. Title. (ed.). Ser.: Title. Place of publ.: Name of the Publ., YYYY. (Language)

Lipovecky 1997 — Lipovecky M. N. Russkii postmodernizm: Ocherki istoricheskoi poetiki. Ekaterinburg: Ural State Pedagogical Univ. Publ., 1997. (In Russian)
Blommaert 2005 — Blommaert J. Discourse: A Critical Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Рress, 2005.

II. Articles in science journals:

Author YYYY — Author N. S. Article title. Journal title. YYYY, volume (issue): XX-XX. (Language)

Jovcheva 2006 — Jovcheva M. Saint Vitus in the Old Slavonic Book. Old Russia. The Questions of Middle Ages. 2006, 26 (4): 10–19. (In Russian)
Spitzmüller, Warnke 2011 — Spitzmüller J., Warnke I. Discourse as a ‘linguistic object’: methodical and methodological delimitations. Critical Discourse Studies. 2011, 8 (2): 75–94.
Κατσάνης 1989 — Katsánis N. Koutsovlachika and Tsakonika. Ellinikí dialektología. 1989, 1: 41–54. (In Creek)

III. Chapters in proceedings or collections: Author ГГГГ — Author А. А. Nazvanie stat’i. In: Redaktor A. A. (ed.). Nazvanie proizvedeniya. Ser.: Nazvanie serii. Place of publication: Publishing house, YYYY. P. xx–xx.

Markovich 1988 — Markovich V. M. Komediia N. V. Gogolia «Revizor». In: Markovich V. M. (ed.). Analiz dramaticheskogo proizvedeniia. Leningrad: Leningrad Stae Univ. Press, 1988. P. 135–163. (In Russian)

IV. Translated books, articles etc.:

It is recommended to use general design rules for this type of publication. The names of the author should be given in the original orthography.

Avtor YYYY — Author А. А. Nazvanie raboty. In: Nazvanie proizvedeniya. Transl. by Translator A. A. Place of publication: Publishing house, YYYY. P. xx–xx. (Language)

Bart 1994 — Barthes R. Mif segodnya [Le mythe, aujourd'hui - original title]. In: Barthes R. Izbrannye raboty: Semiotika. Poetika. Transl. from French by S. Zenkin. Moscow: Progress, 1994. P. 222-224. (In Russian)

15. Tables and figures

15.1. All tables and figures should be referred to in the text of the manuscript.

15.2. Figures formatting guidelines:
— figures should be labelled and furnished with a description if necessary;
— figures should be numbered consecutively (in Arabic numerals), if there is only one figure in the manuscript, its number should be omitted;
— the word “Figure”, its number, label and description should be placed immediately under the figure;
— descriptions and labels should be in nine-point Times New Roman font.

15.3. Each illustration should be submitted electronically as .jpg file (300 dpi).

15.4. Tables formatting guidelines:
— tables should be labelled;
— tables should be placed immediately after the paragraph where it is mentioned for the first time;
— long tables might be continued on the next page;
— stub and column headings are usually aligned horizontally, in line with the rows;
— if necessary, stub and column headings may be aligned vertically;
— text in the tables should be in nine-point Times New Roman font.

15.5. While preparing the tables, the author should take into consideration the Journal’s format, which does not allow to insert any insets with multi-columned tables wider than the journal’s double-page spread.


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