An Unknown Latin Work by M. Kuzmin
Some new information on the unknown Latin musical and poetical work by M. A. Kuzmin (1872–1936) Amor Christi (1896) and its place and role in his life and creative writing is presented in the article. This publication is based on the study of the whole bulk of Kuzmin and his devoted friend Georgii Chicherin (1872–1936) correspondence of the 1890’s and 1990’s possessed by the National Library of Russia, Saint Petersburg, the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art, Moscow and the State Literary Museum, Moscow. The Latin work by Kuzmin published in the article was found in one of his letters to Chicherin, sent from Saint Petersburg to Germany in Summer 1896. The authors not only analyse and describe Kuzmin’s poetic principles in Amor Christi but pay attention to the history of classical education in the XIXth century Russia, too. Besides, some formerly unknown archival documents on Chicherin’s school
studies are quoted. The Latin work by Kuzmin is translated into Russian for the first time.
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