Modern journalism: peacemaking potential and language of conflict
The modern rhetoric of mass media in most cases is based upon the opposition of ideological interests, the polarity of which defines the preservation of a high degree of mistrust and division of global information space. Further development of the world community is impossible without lowering the degree of a militant discourse of transnational mass media. Protrusion of far-fetched problems, statements of unreasonable hypotheses and cautions that form negative stereotypes, promote aggravation of an already difficult relationship in the modern world. The majority of conflict situations could be avoided by showing the tolerant attitude towards all of participants of a conflict. Prejudiced covering of events, the unwillingness to listen to the opposite side, to accept its position, the lack of safety of the direct contact lead to the creation of the reality by journalists, in which war is the only way to solve a problem. The main ideas of the modern theory of the co-called peace journalism are presented. It is capable to become an alternative to the modern information policy of mass media and to reduce intensity in society.
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Galtung J. Peace Journalism as an Ethical Challenge. Global Media Journal: Mediterranean Edition, 2006, no. 1(2), pp. 58–83.
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Rodriguez C. Fissures in the Mediascape: An international study of citizens’ media. Newbury Park, NJ, Hampton Press, 2001, 320 p.
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Galtung J. On the role of the media in worldwide security and peace. In: T. Varis (ed.), Peace and Communication, Costa Rica, San Jose, Universidad para La Paz Publ., pp. 249–266.
Hanitzsch T. Deconstructing Journalism Culture: Toward a Universal Theory, Communication Theory, 2007, no. 17, 368 p.
Loyn D. Witnessing the Truth. 20 February 2003. Available at: (accessed 11.03.2014).
Bell M. TV News: How Far Should We Go? British Journalism Review, 1997, no.8/1, pp. 6–16.
Lichtenberg J. In Defense of Objectivity Revisited. In: J. Curran, M. Gurevich (Eds.), Mass Media and Society. 3rd ed., London, Oxford Univ. Press, 2000, pp. 225–242.
Lynch J., McGoldrick A. Peace Journalism. UK, Hawthorn Press, 2005, 240 p.
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Tehranian M. Peace Journalism: Negotiating Global Media Ethics. Politics, 2002, no. 7(2), pp. 58–83.
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