On the history of the establishing of ‘Mir Iskusstva’ in St Petersburg


  • Наталия Дмитриевна Мельник Saint Petersburg State University, 7/9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


The article reports about the establishing in St Petersburg of the artistic association “Mir Iskusstva” by the young critic Sergey Diaghilev (1872-1929). The author describes in detail the program of this society and the efforts of the organizer to attract the talented young artists. This society was closely associated with the same-named art magazine, which was created by Diaghilev shortly afterwards.The program of the artistic association and magazine had evolved over several years. Largely, this was due to Diaghilev’s participation in the youth circle of self-education in St Petersburg in the late1880s, which was organized by Alexander Benois. There was a trend in the circle, which subsequently became fundamental in the art association and magazine “World of Art”. It included: the desire to join the global artistic process; the desire to connect art: members of the circle felt constant interest in music, theater, history, religious movements; interest in past epochs, which characterizes the vast majority of “lectures”, which they read to each other in the late 1880s - early 1900s. The magazine became the first attempt to implement this plan.The princess M. K. Tenisheva and industrialist and philanthropist S. I. Mamotov became magazine publishers. S. Diaghilev became the editor of the new publication.The article introduces the scientific revolution, publishing for the first time the archival documents and the program of edition, telling about the history of foundation of one of the best art magazines in the country - the “World of Art” and the activities of its editor - S. P. Diaghilev.The article also quotes an interview given by the organizer of the magazine to the correspondent ofSt Petersburg Newspaper and feedbacks from various artists and critics.


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How to Cite

Мельник, Н. Д. (2015). On the history of the establishing of ‘Mir Iskusstva’ in St Petersburg. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 12(3), 203–215. Retrieved from https://languagejournal.spbu.ru/article/view/5261


