On Differentiation of Synonyms and Formal Variants in Kinship Terminology
The article focuses on differentiation between synonyms and derived words in kinship terminology in colloquial speech as a source of the material. Variability is understood as an opportunity to change any of the sign’s side (external and internal). Formal variants are represented as the phonetic and morphological variations, which do not change the identity of the word based on the unity of the lexical meaning and its formal structure.
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Nikolenko O. Yu. Leksiko-semanticheskaia gruppa naimenovanii rodstva: funktsionirovanie, evoliutsiia, slovoobrazovatel’nye potentsii. Avtoref. kand. diss. [Lexical-semantic group of the kinship terms: Functioning, evolution, word-formation potential. Thesis of PhD diss.]. Omsk, 2006. 22 p. (In Russian)
Slovar’ sovremennogo russkogo goroda [Dictionary of the modern Russian city]. Ed. by B. I. Osipova. Moscow, Russkie slovari, Astrel’, AST, Tranzitkniga, 2004. 565 p. (In Russian)
Nikolenko O. Yu. [Synonymy in kinship terminology in the folk colloquial speech]. Kreativnaia lichnost’ v etnosotsiokul’turnom i pragmalingvisticheskom kontekste [Creative personality in the ethno-sociocultural and pragma-linguistic context]. Ekaterinburg, 2008, pp. 157–162. (In Russian)
Vinigradov V. V. [On the forms of the words]. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd-nie lit. i iaz. T. 3. Vyp. 1. [Izvestiya AS of the USSR, Dep. of literature and languages, Vol. 3, Issue 1], 1944, pp. 31–45. (In Russian)
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Akhmanova O. S. Ocherki po obshchei i russkoi leksikologii [Essyas on the general and Russian lexicology]. Moscow, Uchpedgiz Publ., 1957. 280 p. (In Russian)
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Rogozhnikova R. P. Varianty slov v russkom iazyke [Variants of the words in the Russian language]. Moscow, 1966. 160 p. (In Russian)
Gorbachevich K. S. Variantnost’ slova i iazykovaia norma [Variability of the word and the linguistic norm]. Leningrad, Nauka Publ., 1978. 238 p. (In Russian)
Nemchenko V. N. [Word-formation and variability of the word in the Russian language]. Obshchie problemy derivatsii i nominatsii. Slovoobrazovanie v aspekte vzaimodeistviia raznykh urovnei iazyka [General problems of derivation and nomination. Word-formation and interrelation of the various levels of the language].
Omsk, 1988, pp. 57–59. (In Russian)
Zaliznyak A. A. Drevnenovgorodskii dialekt [Ancient Novgorod dialect]. Moscow, Iazyki slavianskikh kul’tur Publ., 2004. 872 p. (In Russian)
Zemskaya E. A., Kitaygorodskaya M. V., Shiryaev E. N. Russkaia razgovornaia rech’. Obshchie voprosy. Slovoobrazovanie. Sintaksis [Russian colloquial speech: General issues. Word-formation. Syntax]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1981. 276 p. (In Russian)
Osipov B. I. [On the term ‘folk colloquial speech of the city’]. Gorodskaia razgovornaia rech’ i problemy ee izucheniia: Mezhvuz. sb. nauch. trudov [City colloquial speech and the problems of its study]. Omsk, 1997, pp. 5–11. (In Russian)
Nikolenko O. Yu. Leksiko-semanticheskaia gruppa naimenovanii rodstva: funktsionirovanie, evoliutsiia, slovoobrazovatel’nye potentsii. Avtoref. kand. diss. [Lexical-semantic group of the kinship terms: Functioning, evolution, word-formation potential. Thesis of PhD diss.]. Omsk, 2006. 22 p. (In Russian)
Slovar’ sovremennogo russkogo goroda [Dictionary of the modern Russian city]. Ed. by B. I. Osipova. Moscow, Russkie slovari, Astrel’, AST, Tranzitkniga, 2004. 565 p. (In Russian)
Nikolenko O. Yu. [Synonymy in kinship terminology in the folk colloquial speech]. Kreativnaia lichnost’ v etnosotsiokul’turnom i pragmalingvisticheskom kontekste [Creative personality in the ethno-sociocultural and pragma-linguistic context]. Ekaterinburg, 2008, pp. 157–162. (In Russian)
Vinigradov V. V. [On the forms of the words]. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd-nie lit. i iaz. T. 3. Vyp. 1. [Izvestiya AS of the USSR, Dep. of literature and languages, Vol. 3, Issue 1], 1944, pp. 31–45. (In Russian)
Smirnitskiy A. I. [On the word (Identity of the word)]. Trudy In-ta iazykoznaniia AN SSSR. T. 4 [Proceedings of the Institute of the linguistics of AS of the USSR, Vol. 4], 1954, pp. 3–50. (In Russian)
Akhmanova O. S. Ocherki po obshchei i russkoi leksikologii [Essyas on the general and Russian lexicology]. Moscow, Uchpedgiz Publ., 1957. 280 p. (In Russian)
Shanskiy N. M. Leksikologiia sovremennogo russkogo iazyka [Lexicology of the modern Russian language]. Moscow, Prosveshchenie, 1972. 327 p. (In Russian)
Maslov Yu.S. Vvedenie v iazykoznanie [Introduction into the linguistics]. Moscow, Vysshaia shkola, 1987. 272 p. (In Russian)
Solntsev V. M. Variativnost’ kak obshchee svoistvo iazykovoi sistemy [Variability as a general feature of the language system]. Voprosy iazykoznaniia [Issues of the linguistics], 1984, no. 2, pp. 31–42. (In Russian)
Filin F. P. [On the word and the variant of the word]. Morfologicheskaia struktura slova v iazykakh razlichnykh tipov [Morphological structure of the word in the languages of various types]. Moscow, Leningrad, 1963, pp. 118–128. (In Russian)
Rogozhnikova R. P. Varianty slov v russkom iazyke [Variants of the words in the Russian language]. Moscow, 1966. 160 p. (In Russian)
Gorbachevich K. S. Variantnost’ slova i iazykovaia norma [Variability of the word and the linguistic norm]. Leningrad, Nauka Publ., 1978. 238 p. (In Russian)
Nemchenko V. N. [Word-formation and variability of the word in the Russian language]. Obshchie problemy derivatsii i nominatsii. Slovoobrazovanie v aspekte vzaimodeistviia raznykh urovnei iazyka [General problems of derivation and nomination. Word-formation and interrelation of the various levels of the language].
Omsk, 1988, pp. 57–59. (In Russian)
Zaliznyak A. A. Drevnenovgorodskii dialekt [Ancient Novgorod dialect]. Moscow, Iazyki slavianskikh kul’tur Publ., 2004. 872 p. (In Russian)
Zemskaya E. A., Kitaygorodskaya M. V., Shiryaev E. N. Russkaia razgovornaia rech’. Obshchie voprosy. Slovoobrazovanie. Sintaksis [Russian colloquial speech: General issues. Word-formation. Syntax]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1981. 276 p. (In Russian)
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