Manipulation and Conviction as Subtypes of the Category of Influence (Based on the British Political Discourse)


  • Екатерина Веселиновна Тенева St. Petersburg State University



The article sees manipulation and conviction as subtypes of the category of influence. Persuasion is defined as a type of explicit influence which is exerted on the addressee without power; a situation when an author tries to reach mutual understanding and agreement with a reader without suppressing him, whereas manipulation is a type of implicit influence which is exerted with power and directed at making the reader believe in author’s opinions or attitudes that are favorable for the author and in conflict with the interests of the reader. The article presents the cases from contemporary British press and describes language peculiarities predominating either in conviction or in manipulation.


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How to Cite

Тенева, Е. В. (2016). Manipulation and Conviction as Subtypes of the Category of Influence (Based on the British Political Discourse). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 13(1), 120–130.


