Meaning ambiguity of idiom-constructions Gott weiß / weiß Gott in German. Discursive secularization as precondition for phraseological meaning
The paper discusses the loss of the religious connotations of the Bible phrases and phraseological units regarded as a necessary precondition to form meaning and semantic ambiguity. It examines discursive secularization of the phraseological units of the religious discourse, and the result of the discursive secularization is a phraseological meaning. Meaning ambiguity refers to as an ability of a set expression to have more than one possible meaning in various contexts. Meaning ambiguity of the phraseological units pertains to the explication of the inner form of the phrase-predecessor and has a meaning in which several interpretations in the context are plausible. The result is heuresemy of the phraseological unit. Meaning ambiguity of the phraseological unit of the religious discourse is due to the two denotations in its nominative field: a prototypic situation and a dictionary meaning of the phraseological unit. Meaning ambiguity is diffusion of both etymology and imagery. The paper focuses on etymological images of the German phraseological units regarded as the core elements of the idiomaticity of the religious discourse. It sheds light on the etymology of some key components of the phraseological units in relation to their culture-specific meaning and identifies presuppositions of the German phraseological units with the key component Gott. Although etymologically the German phraseological units with Gott as a key component refer to the religious discourse, they as phraseological units are no longer religious. Their religious connotations are partly shaded as a result of the discursive secularization, and the German phraseological units Gott weiß / weiß Gott are the phraseological structures with more than one plausible meaning. Phrases are assertive utterances, exclamations, requests, and phraseoreflexes.
phraseology of the German language, meaning ambiguity, religious discourse, discursive secularisation, construction grammar
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Pinkal 1991 — Pinkal M. Vagheit und Ambiguität. In: Stechow A. W. (Hrsg.). Semantik. Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft. Berlin, New York: Walter der Gruyter, 1991. S. 250–269.
Rorty, Vattimo 2006 — Rorty R., Vattimo G. Die Zukunft der Religion [The future of religion]. (Transl. from English to German). Frankfurt-am-Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 2006. 120 s.
Spitzmüller, Warnke 2011— Spitzmüller J., Warnke I. Diskurslinguistik. Eine Einführung in Theorien und Methoden der transtextuellen Sprachanalyse. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2011. 235 s.
Stoellger 2010 — Stoellger P. Das Selbst auf Umwegen. In: Junge M. (Hrsg.). Metaphern in Wissenskulturen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010. S. 27–51.
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