Genre Issues in Translation Studies
Genre issues have been addressed in Translation Studies prevalently within the framework of systemic functional linguistics. Theoretical research by B. Hatim and I. Mason (1990) and J. House (1997) are based on the model of speech variation as presented in M. A. K. Halliday and J. Martin, building a link between linguistic, situational and social contexts. Both research have functional linguistic basis and include genre as a higher-level semiotic category. However, similar theoretical treatment of genre results in opposite approaches to the analysis of particular examples. B. Hatim and I. Mason analyze particular features of micro-context as means of genre realization in terms of genre constraints and conventions. J. House provides a ‘holistic’ top-down description of the entire texts, identifying genre membership a starting point of analysis. Genre is the only constant of equivalence in J. House’s model,
while B. Hatim and I. Mason focus on shifting to alternative genres in translation. The opposite procedural approaches to the analysis have a common feature. The identification of generic constraints and genre equivalence in both research is based on the authors’ intuitions about genre membership of particular texts. Therefore within both approaches, on the one hand, no element of recurrent language use may be undoubtedly assigned to have generic nature; on the other hand, any particular crosslinguistic contrast may be interpreted as an element of cross-linguistic genre realization or an element of genre remolding. The study of genre issues in Translation Studies should be embedded in the broader context of theoretical and empirical methods of systemic cross-cultural analysis of genres and genre systems. Depending on the focus of analysis, Translation Studies may approach genre within the frameworks of contrastive analysis of genres systems, hierarchical relation of genres and the methods of empirical study of generic structures and recurrent linguistic choices.
Швейцер А. Д. Теория перевода. Статус, проблемы, аспекты. М.: Наука, 1988. 216 с.
Anderman G. Translation and Genre: Drama // Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. 2nd ed. Oxford: Elsevier, 2006. P. 53–57.
Baker M. Translation and Conflict: A Narrative Account. London; New York: Routledge, 2006. 201 p.
Bassnett S. Translating genre // Genre Matters. Essays in Theory and Criticism / G. Dowd, L. Stevenson, J. Strong (eds.). Bristol: Intellect Books, 2006. P. 85–95.
Bazerman C. Systems of Genres and the Enactment of Social Intentions // Genre and the New Rhetoric / A. Freedman, P. Medway (eds.). Bristol, PA: Tayor & Francis, 1994. P. 79–101.
Bhatia V. K. World of written discourse: a genre-based view. London: Continuum, 2014. 263 p.
Bruner J. The Narrative Construction of Reality // Critical Inquiry. 1991. Vol. 18 (1). P. 1–21.
Coldiron A. E. B. Comparative literature and literary translation // Encyclopaedia of literary translation into English: In 2 vols. / O. Classe (ed.). Vol. 1. London; Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publ., 2000. P. 302–303.
Crystal D., Davy D. Investigating English style. London: Longman, 1969. 265 p.
Halliday M. A. K., Hasan R. Language, context and text: aspects of language in a social-semiotic perspective. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1989. 467 p.
Halliday M. A. K., Martin J. R. Writing Science: Literacy and Discursive Power. Pittsburgh: Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, 1993. 283 p.
Hatim B. Translating text in context // The Routledge Companion to Translation Studies / J. Munday (ed.). Abingdon: Routledge, 2009. P. 36–53.
Hatim B. Teaching and Researching Translation. 2nd ed. Harlow: Pearson Education, 2013. 254 p.
Hatim B., Munday J. Translation: An Advanced Resource Book. London; New York: Routledge, 2004. 373 p.
Hervey S., Loughridge M., Higgins I. Thinking German Translation: A Course in Translation Method, German to English. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2006. 238 p.
Holz-Mänttäri J. Translatorisches Handeln. Theorie und Methode. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakat., 1984. 193 S.
Hönig H. G. Konstruktives Übersetzen. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 1995. 195 S.
House J. A Model for Translation Quality Assessment. Tübingen: Narr, 1977. 344 p.
House J. Translation Quality Assessment. A Model Revisited. Tubingen: Narr, 1997. 207 p.
House J. Translation quality assessment. Past and present. London: Routledge, 2014. 170 p.
James C. Genre analysis and the translator // Target. 1989. Vol. 1, 1. P. 29–41.
Kornetzki A. Contrastive Analysis of News Text Types in Russian, British and American Business Online and Print media. Berlin: Frank & Timme, 2012. 378 p. — (Forum für Fachsprachen-Forschung. Bd. 102.)
Magalhães C. Discourse and Translation Studies: a Case Study of Genre Intertextuality // Cadernos de Tradução. 2000. Vol. 1 (5). P. 11–26.
Manfredi M. Translating Text and Context: Translation Studies and Systemic Functional Linguistics: In 2 vols. Vol. 1:Translation Theory. Bologna: DU Press, 2008. 97 p.
Martin J. R. Language, register and genre // Children writing: Reader / F. Christie (ed.). Geelong, Victoria, Australia: Deakin Univ. Press, 1984. P. 21–29.
Martin J. R. Process and text: two aspects of human semiosis // Systemic perspectives on discourse / J. D. Benson, W. S. Greaves (eds.). Norwood: Ablex, 1985. P. 248–274.
Mason I. Discourse, ideology and translation // Critical Readings in Translation Studies / M. Baker (ed.). London; New York: Routledge, 2010. P. 83–95.
Munday J. Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and applications. London; New York: Routledge, 2008. 222 p.
Nord C. Translating as a Purposeful Activity. Functionalist Approaches Explained. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997. 154 p.
Ordóñez-López P. Integration in Specialisation. The GENTT Research Group: Genre as an Integrative Concept in Translation Studies // Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnical University of Timisoara. Transactions on Modern Languages. 2009. Vol. 8. Iss. 1–2. P. 43–58.
Pym A. Limits and Frustrations of Discourse Analysis in Translation Theory // Revista de Filología de la Universidad de La Laguna. 1992. Iss. 11. P. 227–239.
Reiss K. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Übersetzungskritik: Kategorien und Kriterien für eine sachgerechte Beurteilung von Übersetzungen. München: Hueber, 1971. 124 S.
Reiss K., Vermeer H. J. Grundlegung einer allgemeinen Translationstheorie. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1984. 253 S.
Rose M. G. Translation and literary criticism: Translation as analysis. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997. 101 p.
Saldanha G. P. Linguistic approaches // Encyclopaedia of Translation Studies / M. Baker, G. Saldanha (eds.). 2nd ed. London; New York: Routledge, 2009. P. 148–152.
Schäffner C. Rethinking Transediting // Meta: Translators’ Journal. 2012. Vol. 57, 4. P. 866–883.
Serban A. Translation and Genre: Sacred Texts // Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. 2nd ed. Oxford: Elsevier, 2006. P. 47–50.
Swales J. M. Genre analysis: English in academic and research settings. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990. 288 p.
Text Typology and Translation / A. Trosborg (ed.). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1997. 264 p.
Wang W. The Notions of Genre and Micro-genre in Contrastive Rhetoric Research: Newspapers Commentaries on the Events of September 11th // University of Sydney Papers in TESOL. 2007. Vol. 2. P. 83–117.
Anderman, G. Translation and Genre: Drama. In: Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Oxford, Elsevier, 2006, pp. 53–57. (in English)
Baker, M. Translation and Conflict: A Narrative Account. London; New York, Routledge Publ., 2006. 201 p. (in English)
Bassnett, S. Translating genre. In: Dowd, G., Stevenson, L., Strong, J. (eds.). Genre Matters. Essays in Theory and Criticism. Bristol, Intellect Books Publ., 2006, pp. 85–95. (in English)
Bazerman, C. Systems of Genres and the Enactment of Social Intentions. In: Freedman, A., Medway, P. (eds.). Genre and the New Rhetoric. Bristol, PA, Tayor & Francis Publ., 1994, pp. 79–101. (in English)
Bhatia, V. K. World of written discourse: a genre-based view. London, Continuum Publ., 2014. 263 p. (in English)
Bruner, J. The Narrative Construction of Reality. In: Critical Inquiry, 1991, vol. 18 (1), pp. 1–21. (in English)
Coldiron, A. E. B. Comparative literature and literary translation. In: Encyclopaedia of literary translation into English. London; Chicago, Fitzroy Dearborn Publ., 2000, pp. 302–303. (in English) все тома в один год
Crystal, D., Davy, D. Investigating English style. London, Longman Publ., 1969. 265 p. (in English)
Halliday, M. A. K., Hasan, R. Language, context and text: aspects of language in a social-semiotic perspective. Oxford, Oxford Univ. Press Publ., 1989. 467 p. (in English)
Halliday, M. A. K., Martin, J. R. Writing Science: Literacy and Discursive Power. Pittsburgh, Univ. of Pittsburgh Press Publ., 1993. 283 p. (in English)
Hatim, B. Translating text in context. In: Munday, J. (ed.). The Routledge Companion to Translation Studies. Abingdon, Routledge Publ., 2009, pp. 36–53. (in English)
Hatim, B. Teaching and Researching Translation. Harlow, Pearson Education Publ., 2013. 254 p. (in English)
Hatim, B., Munday, J. Translation: An Advanced Resource Book. New York; London, Routledge Publ., 2004. 373 p. (in English)
Hervey, S., Loughridge, M., Higgins, I. Thinking German Translation: A Course in Translation Method, German to English. New York, Routledge Publ., 2006. 238 p. (in English)
Holz-Mänttäri, J. Translatorisches Handeln. Theorie und Methode [Translational Acts. Theory and Methods]. Helsinki, Suomalainen Tiedeakat. Publ., 1984. 193 S. p. (in German)
Hönig, H. G. Konstruktives Übersetzen [Constructive Translation]. Tübingen, Stauffenburg Publ., 1995. 195 S. (in German)
House, J. A Model for Translation Quality Assessment. Tübingen, Narr Publ., 1977. 344 p. (in English)
House, J. Translation Quality Assessment. A Model Revisited. Tubingen, Narr Publ., 1997. 207 p. (in English)
House, J. Translation quality assessment. Past and present. London, Routledge Publ., 2014. 170 p. (in English)
James, C. Genre analysis and the translator. In: Target, 1989, vol. 1, 1, pp. 29–41. (in English)
Kornetzki, A. Contrastive Analysis of News Text Types in Russian, British and American Business Online and Print media. Berlin, Frank & Timme Publ., 2012. 378 p. — (Forum für Fachsprachen-Forschung: 102) (in English)
Magalhães, C. Discourse and Translation Studies: a Case Study of Genre Intertextuality. In: Cadernos de Tradução, 2000, vol. 1 (5), pp. 11–26. (in English)
Manfredi, M. Translating Text and Context: Translation Studies and Systemic Functional Linguistics: In 2 vols. Vol. 1:Translation Theory. Bologna, DU Press Publ., 2008. 97 p. (in English)
Martin, J. R. Language, register and genre. In: Christie, F. (ed.). Children writing: Reader. Geelong, Victoria, Australia, Deakin Univ. Press Publ., 1984, pp. 21–29. (in English)
Martin, J. R. Process and text: two aspects of human semiosis. In: Benson, J. D., Greaves, W. S. (eds.). Systemic perspectives on discourse. Norwood, Ablex Publ., 1985, pp. 248–274. (in English)
Mason, I. Discourse, ideology and translation. In: Baker, M. (ed.). Critical Readings in Translation Studies. London; New York, Routledge Publ., 2010, pp. 83–95. (in English)
Munday, J. Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and applications. London; New York, Routledge Publ., 2008. 222 p. (in English)
Nord, C. Translating as a Purposeful Activity. Functionalist Approaches Explained. Manchester, St. Jerome Publ., 1997. 154 p. (in English)
Ordóñez-López, P. Integration in Specialisation. The GENTT Research Group: Genre as an Integrative Concept in Translation Studies. In: Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnical University of Timisoara. Transactions on Modern Languages, 2009, vol. 8, no. 1–2, pp. 43–58. (in English)
Pym, A. Limits and Frustrations of Discourse Analysis in Translation Theory. In: Revista de Filología de la Universidad de La Laguna, 1992, no. 11, pp. 227–239. (in English)
Reiss, K. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Übersetzungskritik: Kategorien und Kriterien für eine sachgerechte Beurteilung von Übersetzungen [Possibilities and Limits of Translation Critics: Categories and Criteria for Рroper Assessment of Translations]. München, Hueber Publ., 1971. 124 S. (in German)
Reiss, K., Vermeer, H. J. Grundlegung einer allgemeinen Translationstheorie [Foundations of general translation theory]. Tübingen, Niemeyer Publ., 1984. 253 p. (in German)
Rose, M. G. Translation and literary criticism: Translation as analysis. Manchester, St. Jerome Publ., 1997. 101 p. (in English)
Saldanha, G. P. Linguistic approaches. In: Encyclopaedia of Translation Studies. London; New York, Routledge, 2009, pp. 148–152. (in English)
Schäffner, C. Rethinking Transediting. In: Meta: Translators’ Journal, 2012, vol. 57, 4, pp. 866–883. (in English)
Serban, A. Translation and Genre: Sacred Texts. In: Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Oxford, Elsevier, 2006, pp. 47–50. (in English)
Shveitser, A. D. Teoriia perevoda. Status, problemy, aspekty [Translation theory. Status, Problems, Aspects]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1988. 216 p. (in Russian)
Swales, J. M. Genre analysis: English in academic and research settings. New York, Cambridge Univ. Press Publ., 1990. 288 p. (in English)
Trosborg, A. (ed.). Text Typology and Translation. Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publ., 1997. 264 p. (in English)
Wang, W. The Notions of Genre and Micro-genre in Contrastive Rhetoric Research: Newspapers Commentaries on the Events of September 11th. In: University of Sydney Papers in TESOL, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 83–117. (in English)
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