Albanian Dialect(s) of Gorana: Genesis and Functioning


  • Мария Сергеевна Морозова



The article discusses genesis and functioning of the Albanian idiom in the multilingual microregion of Gorana (Montenegrin Littoral), which is of great interest from the perspective of the study of Slavic- Albanian linguistic and cultural interaction in the Western Balkans. The introductory part contains anthropogeographic and sociolingistic information about the Serbo-Croatian-speaking community of Mrkovići and Gorana, and a brief description of the northwestern Gheg subdialect of the Albanian language. Further paragraphs investigate the case of the village Velja Gorana, concentrating on the Albanian speech of the local bilinguals and the speech of Albanian women who came to the Velja Gorana community from different border areas of Albania, Montenegrin Littoral and Krajina. In order to study the dialect differentiation and degree of accommodation between dialects (a) in the speech of Albanian women and (b) in the speech of the local bilinguals, as well as to find contact-induced features in phonetics and phonology, we analyse authentic dialectmaterial using comparative and descriptive methods common for comparative linguistics, dialectology, and the Balkan studies. Based on the results of the analysis, the Albanian speech of Gorana is described as a heterogeneous idiom, where dialect differentiation remains intact without a degree of mixing or accommodation, and the intensity of contact-induced language change varies at the level of individual speakers. 


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How to Cite

Морозова, М. С. (2017). Albanian Dialect(s) of Gorana: Genesis and Functioning. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 14(2), 222–237.


