Research schools and practice of text and discourse linguistic expertise: The problem of theoretical status


  • Oksana V. Magirovskaya Siberian Federal University, 79, Svobodny pr., Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia
  • Anna A. Terekhova Siberian Federal University, 79, Svobodny pr., Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia



The article covers the issue of the theoretical status of linguistic expertise in the world’s leading
scientific traditions (Russian, American and British). It also considers the peculiarities of such practice in these countries. The review of the identified features of linguistic expertise is
presented for the first time. It is based on the criteria formulated within the framework of the research: 1) the attribution of the linguistic expertise to one of the scientific fields (linguistics and/or law) and its origin; 2) the nature of linguistic expertise; 3) the most frequent reasons for its application; 4) texts-objects of linguistic expertise; 5) the scope of interdisciplinary research in the field of linguistic expertise. The systematisation of theoretical knowledge on linguistic expertise traditions selected for the analysis is aimed at understanding the nature of
the process of text and discourse linguistic expertise and its main features. The relevance and scientific novelty of the present study are determined by the need for a systematised theory on the issue of the theoretical status, which is often noted by most researchers in this field, as well as by the lack of description of the place and role of linguistic expertise in Russian and foreign
scientific traditions and legal practices. The study shows that in different traditions linguistic expertise is considered both in a narrow and a broad sense and, thus, can be understood as a tool for legal proceedings, the process of finding the truth and a branch of applied linguistics focused on the peculiarities of language use by linguistic experts in judicial and pre-judicial contexts.


linguistic expertise, linguistic and legal interpretation, text as an object of linguistic expertise


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How to Cite

Magirovskaya, O. V., & Terekhova, A. A. (2024). Research schools and practice of text and discourse linguistic expertise: The problem of theoretical status. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 21(4), 000–000.


