On the synchronic and diachronic approaches to the codification of chronologically correlated pronunciation variants


  • Maria L. Kalenchuk V. V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 18/2, ul. Volkhonka, Moscow, 119019, Russia




The article raises the question of the possibility of combining a synchronic and diachronic approach in the formulation of codification recommendations in orthoepic dictionaries. The analysis showed a number of problems when introducing information about chronologically correlated pronouncing variants. А combination of synchronic and diachronic aspects in the codification of orthoepic norms is possible. Changing the information attributed to normative marks allows not only to fix the real pronunciation in a particular era, but also makes it possible to submit the material systematically, indicating dynamic processes. But it should be distinguished: the parallel existence of different sociolinguistic subsystems, which can be called the older and younger systems and the simultaneous functioning of different normative subsystems. There is no one-to-one correspondence between these two descriptions. It is proposed to introduce the following marks into lexicographic practice: “obsoleting” — indicates that the second variant is less commonly used, it appeared in the language earlier than the first, and characterizes the outgoing pronunciation patterns, gradually replaced by the new norm; “new” — indicates that the second variant is less commonly used in the speech of educated people, it appeared in the language later than the first variant, and characterizes new pronouncing patterns that gradually replace the old norm. With this approach, the mark will provide information about different aspects of the functioning of correlated variants: frequency (more often used or less often), the time of their appearance in the language system (earlier or later), the vector of their movement (coming into or leaving the system).


orthoepy, lexicography, pronunciation variants, codification


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How to Cite

Kalenchuk, M. L. (2024). On the synchronic and diachronic approaches to the codification of chronologically correlated pronunciation variants. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 21(2), 467–477. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu09.2024.212


