The linguistic and cultural type of the kazakhstani student through the prism of narrative


  • Sholpan K. Zharkynbekova L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2, ul. Satpayeva, Astana, 010008, Kazakhstan
  • Olga A. Anichshenko Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau University, 76, ul. Abay, Kokshetau, 020000, Kazakhstan
  • Мaria V. Loginova L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2. ul. Satpayeva, Astana, 010008, Kazakhstan



The article presents the analysis of narrative texts, which represent the linguocultural type kazakhstani student. The interest to this research stems from the necessity of developing the algorithm for narrative analysis from the linguocultural point of view, as well as the reason-ability of addressing such a social group as the student which is so important for researchers in different linguocultural communities It is proved that through the narrative dimension a rather rich set of figurative characteristics of a student can be revealed, since in the sequence of events a student’s verbal and non-verbal behaviour is realised, his/her speech portrait is formed, the environment under the influence of which a student is, the student’s appearance is drawn, which becomes recognisable and typical. The authors tried to identify the goals, motives, attitudes, interests and intensities, which, acting as the most significant, are actualized in the minds of students in modern Kazakhstan, through the narrative picture of the student’s world. The research corpus was textual fragments from publicist texts of Kazakhstani media, containing events of students’ life, as well as essays and texts of students from the Internet. The applied narrative analysis allowed the authors to identify situational motives and attitudes of linguocultural type student, implemented in the narrative text, thanks to which some common and distinctive features of the representatives of modern Kazakh youth are highlighted. In the conclusion it is shown that the study of linguistic personality in the narratological aspect opens up new possibilities for modelling generalized personality.


narrative, student's linguistic personality, linguocultural type


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How to Cite

Zharkynbekova, S. K., Anichshenko, O. A., & Loginova М. V. (2024). The linguistic and cultural type of the kazakhstani student through the prism of narrative. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 20(4), 788–802.


