The functions of parenthetical structures in the context of communicative registers of the language (in the novel Aviator by E. G. Vodolazkin)


  • Vladimir P. Kazakov Saint-Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., Saint-Petersburg, 199034, Russia



The article provides an analysis of parenthetical structures in the novel Aviator by Eugene Vodolazkin in light of its genre peculiarities and in the context of communicative registers of the language. In the diary entries of Innokentiy Platonov (the main character of the novel), the parenthetical structures appear instrumental for a variety of communicative tasks, for example, they mark important details of the past and recapture memories of the events making the reader a witness; they also help to provide explanations of situations and actions and express the reaction to what is happening or taking place. The additional speech plan of parenthetical structures easily correlates with: 1) informative register (the author of the diary shares his knowledge with the readers); 2) reproductive register (the events are described as occurring or taking place in front of the author and the readers); 3) reactive register (the author of the diary expresses his reaction to the events of the past and present). The article describes the major groups of parenthetical structures in terms of their meaning, singled out within each communicative register, and provides data on the number of items selected by means of the continuous sampling method. It is established that the most frequent parenthetical structures in the novel are those operating in the context of the informative register, predominantly with the meaning of incidental, clarifying or particularizing information, and also those performing a reasoning function.


parenthetical structure, communicative register, function, expressive syntax, diary entry


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How to Cite

Kazakov, V. P. (2021). The functions of parenthetical structures in the context of communicative registers of the language (in the novel Aviator by E. G. Vodolazkin). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 17(4), 633–649.


