Alexander Kondratov: the range of artistic experiment. From the viewpoint of the verse theory
In the Y. Orlicky`s Article "Alexander Kondratyev: the range of artistic experiment.From the viewpoint of the verse theory "discussed in detail the wide verse forms (metrical and strophical), which used in his work by well-known poet-experimenter, who belonged to the Leningrad "philological school".
Бельская Л. А любят ли поэты стихи? // Бельская Л. От слова — к мысли и чувству. Алма-Ата: «Искандер», 2008. С. 36–52.
Гаспаров М. Александр Кондратов // Звезда. 1991. no. 5. С. 92–96.
Филологическая школа. Тексты. Воспоминания. Библиография. М.: Летний сад, 2006. 656 с.
Квятковский А. Поэтический словарь. 3-е изд. М.: РГГУ, 2013. 584 с.
Bel'skaia L. A liubiat li poety stikhi? [And if poets like poetry?]. In: L. Bel'skaia, Ot slova — k mysli i chuvstvu [From the word - to the thoughts and feelings], Alma-Ata, Iskander, 2008, pp. 36–52.
Gasparov M. Aleksandr Kondratov. Zvezda – Star, 1991, no. 5, pp. 92–96.
Filologicheskaia shkola. Teksty. Vospominaniia. Bibliografiia [Philological School. Texts. Memories. bibliography]. Moscow, Letnii sad Publ., 2006, 656 p.
Kviatkovskii A. Poeticheskii slovar' [Poetic dictionary]. 3rd ed. Moscow, Russian State University for the Humanities Publ., 2013, 584 p.
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