Alexander Kondratov: the range of artistic experiment. From the viewpoint of the verse theory


  • Юрий Борисович Орлицкий Institute for History and Philology Russian State University for the Humanities, 6, Miusskaya sq., Moscow, GSP-3, 125993, Russian Federation


In the Y. Orlicky`s Article "Alexander Kondratyev: the range of artistic experiment.From the viewpoint of the verse theory "discussed in detail the wide verse forms (metrical and strophical), which used in his work by well-known poet-experimenter, who belonged to the Leningrad "philological school".


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How to Cite

Орлицкий, Ю. Б. (2014). Alexander Kondratov: the range of artistic experiment. From the viewpoint of the verse theory. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 11(4), 135–149. Retrieved from


