The Internet Blog as a Genre in Pedagogical Discourse


  • Наталья Сергеевна Бажалкина Moscow State Regional University



The aim of this article is to characterize linguistic and extralinguistic features of blog as a separate Internet genre of pedagogical discourse in the English language. The genre peculiarities of blog and Internet communication, which depend on social factors of the interlocutors, are distinguished in terms of the pedagogical discourse. Respectful manner of communication, compliance to the norms of literal language in the written speech, official and semi-official style of communication are pointed out. There is a general tendency to simplify the language in speech, preserving a high level of the language self-control in the Internet pedagogical discourse.


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How to Cite

Бажалкина, Н. С. (2019). The Internet Blog as a Genre in Pedagogical Discourse. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 13(1), 131–141.


