The Diegetic Narrator in the Documentary-Portrait


  • Александр Алексеевич Пронин St. Petersburg State University



The narrative strategy of the author determines the choice of narrative possibilities that is presented in the work. The “literary” films of Roman Liberov are not only unusual for the viewer as a synthesis of documentary and game animation (“animados”), but as the original narrative strategies. This is a “pre­tend story” in the film about Brodsky, while in the film about Dovlatov — “text to text”. In the first case, the consistent implementation of the strategy allowed the author to expand the story of the hero in the form of lively reflection on the issues of “collective” of the interviewer, while in the second case — a screen version of the autobiographical novel written “with the participation” of Roman Liberov.


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For citation: Pronin A. A. The Diegetic Narrator in the Documentary-Portrait. Vestnik SPbSU. Series 9.

Philology. Asian Studies. Journalism, 2016, issue 3, pp. 157–166. DOI: 10.21638/11701/spbu09.2016.318.



How to Cite

Пронин, А. А. (2016). The Diegetic Narrator in the Documentary-Portrait. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 13(3), 157–166.


