On cognitive modeling of intuition and creativity in translation: interpretive and semiotic approaches.
The paper focuses on the explicit cognitive model of translation process stressing its didactic potential that makes it possible to apply it empirically to the professional activity of a translator by following the steps claimed in the research. The given detailed introspective process scheme of a translator’s con- scious mental acts has been designed taking into account the creative part of his/her professional work. Thus the first stage is devoted to shaping the background of the cognitive translation process, which comprises an ultimate complex of necessary multifaceted knowledge of linguistic, meta-linguistic and extra-linguistic kinds. The second stage is aimed at combining the elements of that accumulated initial knowledge base, where comparison and selection lead to the search for a mental program image of all possible translation variants. The third stage marks the final choice and taking a most adequate translation decision. The novelty of the presented research is in its attempt to describe an intuitive component being a characteristic feature of any individual translation decision-making process. With this in view, the author starts by critically analyzing both foreign and domestic approaches to creativity and intuition in terms of philosophy and creative psychology. Then their related achievements have been compared to those of the world translation theory. Basing on that the paper suggests the productivity of applying semiotic and interpretive methodology to the explanation of cognitive mechanisms of understanding the original and further making translation. The present interdisciplinary research methodology includes logical meditation, analytical modeling, cognitive and comparative analyses, the synthesis of information learned with its further critical evaluation, reflexive thinking, and making deductive/inductive conclusions. The paper consists of the relevant academic literature review, theoretic and methodological framework, results obtained and the didactic recommendations of the author. The research bibliography covers 50 points, which have been referred to in the paper, by both domestic and foreign scholars, ranging from classical to modern publications.
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