Media Image of First Lady as an Element of "Soft Power" in Chinese Public Diplomacy
The rise of China on the world stage is accompanied by unprecedented challenges, including prejudice against the country and the lack of understanding of the international public. China needs the unification of all forces promoting the implementation of his dream. With the rapid development of China, it is particularly necessary to convey to the international community its peaceful intentions by means of public diplomacy "first lady". The theoretical base of research involves the definition of public diplomacy, the author identifies the key characteristics of soft power, and especially its use in China's foreign policy. Although the first lady rarely participate directly in international negotiations, but they can communicate openly with the public of other countries in the field of culture, tourism, public service, show the national culture, provide the understanding of each other. Chinese and foreign media have unanimously recognized the unique capabilities of the first lady emphasized her dignified behavior, impeccable taste, skills and achievements in the field of music. This can make the Peng Liyuan important part of the "soft power". The empirical part of the study is based on analysis of texts leading foreign publications and news agencies of materials covering the activities of the first lady. The author argues that the First Lady has played an irreplaceable role in public diplomacy. And public diplomacy is one of the most important ways to improve the country's soft power. First Lady as a cultural envoy reflects cultural resonance between countries and distributes its national culture.
public diplomacy, first lady, soft power, country image, mass media
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