“Information support” of school journalism of Siberia in the newspaper “Siberian Life” (1916–1917)


  • Наталия Вениаминовна Жилякова
  • Татьяна Петровна Карташова




The article analyzes the corpus of the publications of the leading newspaper of pre-revolutionary Siberia “Siberian Life”, dedicated to the school magazines of the region in 1916–1917. The purpose of this work is to identify the specific “information support” of student journalism in Siberia, carried out by the newspaper “Siberian Life” in 1916–1917. Such tasks as the identification of the corpus of publications of the newspaper for the period 1916–1917 devoted to the Siberian school journalism, an analysis of their content, an assessment of the genre-thematic specificity of materials are being solved. The main research methods are the front-line study of the contents of the newspaper “Siberian Life” for the period 1916–1917, a genre-thematic analysis of the corpus of identified materials. The study shows that the information support and “information support” of the student press was carried out by the newspaper “Siberian Life” in various forms. Firstly, this is actually informing readers about the intentions of new publications, on their preparation, on the issue of numbers and on the content of issues. Secondly, the newspaper published author’s detailed reviews devoted to the individual journals: they detailed the subject matter of materials, assessed the artistic merits of works, defined the role of journals for the school community, and understood the inner world of students. At the same time, part of the reviews were of rather critical nature, since the editors considered it necessary not only to welcome the appearance of new publications, but also to help them in professional and artistic growth. Thirdly, the newspaper tracked information about new school editions, reprinting notes about them from “friendly” periodicals. The study allows talking about the activation of school journalism in Siberia in 1916–1917, which was due to the socio-political situation in Russia.


school journalism, pupillary journal, Siberian Life, information support


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How to Cite

Жилякова, Н. В., & Карташова, Т. П. (2018). “Information support” of school journalism of Siberia in the newspaper “Siberian Life” (1916–1917). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 15(3), 507–521. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu09.2018.314


