Synaesthetic metaphors in the description of fragrance properties in perfumery discourse (on the material of the modern Spanish language)


  • Olga V. Merzlikina Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, 36, Stremyanny per., Moscow, 115054, Russia



The article deals with the use of synaesthetic metaphors with an olfactory component of meaning in the perfumery discourse of the Spanish language. Synaesthetic metaphors are considered as emotional-evaluative units of linguistic coding of interrelations of polysensory perception of smells, sounds, colours, tastes, temperatures through different organs of human perception and are the result of cognitive-symbolic integration of human sensory experience. The synaesthetic metaphor is viewed as a result of synaesthesia which at the level of perception influences the inventory of the linguistic means involved by the speaker. The source of the investigated empirical material studied is the fragrance descriptions presented on the website of the El Corte Ingles online store. The metaphors studied are classified according to the establishing the synaesthetic interaction of perceptual images, considering their general and particular characteristics, which are analyzed on the basis of the cognitive mechanisms underlying them, as well as from the point of view of their pragmatic potential. By applying the method of continuous sampling, component analysis, descriptive and quantitative research methods, synaesthetic metaphors have been identified, models of synaesthetic transfers have been revealed and their productivity has been established. The most productive models of synaesthetic metaphors used in the description of fragrance in perfumery discourse are models of transfer from tactile to olfactory and from visual to olfactory modalities, transfers from gustatory and auditory modalities are less represented. Also well sufficiently represented are the models of metaphorical transfer of two or more modalities to the olfactory modality.


synaesthetic metaphor, synaesthesia, perfume discourse, mode of perception


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How to Cite

Merzlikina, O. V. (2024). Synaesthetic metaphors in the description of fragrance properties in perfumery discourse (on the material of the modern Spanish language). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 21(1), 208–223.


