Метапрагматические дискурсы и жанровая дифференциация в интернет-медиа
Одним из возможных подходов к изучению контекстуализации является исследование метапрагматических дискурсов, т. е. внешних дискурсов, рефлексирующих аспекты прагматики интересующего исследователя исходного дискурса. Цель настоящей статьи — теоретически интегрировать метапрагматику в жанровое исследование и применить соответствующий инструментарий к анализу конкретных жанров. Для решения практической задачи был проведен анализ пяти видео на платформе YouTube, «погруженных» в дискурсы комментариев пользователей платформы. Методом анализа послужил лексико-грамматически- и текстоориентированный контент-анализ с особым акцентом на анализе оценочных смыслов. Одним из результатов является демонстрация того, что жанровая принадлежность дискурсов, формально выстроенных по одной и той же модели, может зависеть от контекстуальных переменных, не имеющих отношения к речевой форме. Такие переменные потенциально материализуются в форме метапрагматических маркеров автором исходного дискурса и/или аудиторией в комментариях. Это может значить, что для конечного реципиента «эффект» исходного дискурса будет зависеть от реализованного с опорой на такие маркеры отнесения дискурса к одной из конкурирующих жанровых моделей. Такая ситуация, в частности, наблюдается в случае с так называемыми «честными» и «оплаченными» обзорами. Второе наблюдение располагается в сфере гибридных жанров. Так, в случае с рекламными интеграциями «итоговая» типизация жанра (лайфстайл-инструкции, влога и т.п.), с точки зрения реальной аудитории, не является однозначной: часть аудитории видит такую интеграцию как делегитимизирующую конкретный дискурс и весь жанр; другая часть рассматривает ее как «инородный элемент», не меняющий, однако, иерархию коммуникативных целей жанра и не уменьшающий его общую ценность. Данное наблюдение оставляет открытым вопрос о том, следует ли считать подобные жанры новыми самостоятельными жанрами, в которых рекламная интеграция уже является ключевым жанрообразующим элементом.
Ключевые слова:
метапрагматика, метапрагматический дискурс, контекстуализация, гибридные жанры, интернет-жанры
Библиографические ссылки
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Agha 2007 — Agha A. Language and social relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. 427 p.
Agha 2011 — Agha A. Commodity registers. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology. 2011, 21 (1): 22–53.
Andersen, van Leeuwen 2017 — Andersen T. H., van Leeuwen T. J. Genre crash: The case of online shopping. Discourse, Context & Media. 2017, (20): 191–203.
Askehave, Swales 2001 — Askehave I., Swales J. M. Genre identification and communicative purpose: A problem and a possible solution. Applied Linguistics. 2001, 22 (2): 195–212.
Auer 1992 — Auer P. Introduction: John Gumperz’ Approach to Contextualization. In: The Contextualization of Language. Auer P., Di Luzio A. (eds). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1992. P. 1–37.
Auer 2009 — Auer P. Context and Contextualization. In: Handbook of Pragmatics. Östman J.-O., Verschueren J. (eds). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2009. P. 86–101.
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Bhatia 2005 — Bhatia V. K. Generic patterns in promotional discourse. In: Persuasion across genres: A linguistic approach. Halmari H., Virtanen T. (eds). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2005. P. 213–225.
Bhatia 2015 — Bhatia V. K. Critical genre analysis: Theoretical preliminaries. Hermes — Journal of Language and Communication in Business. 2015, 27 (54): 9–20.
Blommaert 2015 — Blommaert J. Meaning as a nonlinear effect: The birth of cool. AILA Review. 2015, (28): 7–27.
Boyd 2014 — Boyd M. S. (New) participatory framework on YouTube? Commenter interaction in US political speeches. Journal of Pragmatics. 2014, (72): 46–58.
Cook 2001 — Cook G. The discourse of advertising (2nd ed.). London; New York: Routledge, 2001. 256 p.
Corrigan 1997 — Corrigan P. The sociology of consumption. An introduction. London: SAGE Publications, 1997. 197 p.
Devitt 2009 — Devitt A. J. Re-fusing form in genre study. In: Genres in the internet: Issues in the theory of genre. Giltrow J., Stein D. (eds). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2009. P. 27–48.
Devitt 2015 — Devitt A. J. Genre performances: John Swales’ Genre Analysis and rhetorical-linguistic genre studies. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 2015, (19): 44–51.
Hopkins 2016 — Hopkins J. The Lifestyle Blog Genre. In: Handbuch Soziale Praktiken und Digitale Alltagswelten. Friese H., Rebane G., Nolden M., Schreiter M. (eds). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2016. P. 1–8.
Kheovichai 2014 — Kheovichai B. Marketized university discourse: A synchronic and diachronic comparison of the discursive constructions of employer organizations in academic and business job advertisements. Discourse & Communication. 2014, 8 (4): 371–390.
Machin, van Leeuwen 2007 — Machin D., van Leeuwen T. Global media discourse: A critical introduction. London; New York: Routledge, 2007. 200 p.
Martin, White 2005 — Martin J. R., White P. R. R. The language of evaluation. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2005. 278 p.
Martín-Martín 2003 — Martín-Martín P. Genre and discourse community. ES: Revista de Filología Inglesa. 2003, 25 (25): 153–166.
Miller, Shepherd 2004 — Miller C., Shepherd D. Blogging as Social Action: A Genre Analysis of the Weblog. In: Into the Blogosphere Articles. Minneapolis; Saint Paul: University of Minnesota, 2004. http://hdl. handle.net/11299/172818/ (accessed: 20.04.2020).
Moreno, Swales 2018 — Moreno A. I., Swales J. M. Strengthening move analysis methodology towards bridging the function-form gap. English for Specific Purposes. 2018, (50): 40–63.
Raisborough 2011 — Raisborough J. Lifestyle media and the formation of the self. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2011. 184 p.
Silverstein 1976 — Silverstein M. Shifters, linguistic categories, and cultural description. In: Meaning in anthropology. Basso K. H., Selby H. A. (eds). Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1976. P. 11–55.
Silverstein 1979 — Silverstein M. Language structure and linguistic ideology. In: The elements: A parasession on linguistic units and levels. Clyne P. R., Hanks W. F., Hofbauer C. L. (eds). Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society, 1979. P. 193–247.
Silverstein 1987 — Silverstein M. The Three Faces of “Function”: Preliminaries to a Psychology of Language. In: Social and functional approaches to language and thought. Hickmann M. (ed.). Orlando: Academic Press, 1987. P. 17–38.
Silverstein 1992 — Silverstein M. The indeterminacy of contextualization: When is enough enough? In: The Contextualization of Language. Auer P., Di Luzio A. (eds). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1992. P. 55–76.
Silverstein 1993 — Silverstein M. Metapragmatic discourse and metapragmatic function. In: Reflexive language: Reported speech and metapragmatics. Lucy J. A. (ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. P. 33–58.
Spitzmüller 2015 — Spitzmüller J. Graphic variation and graphic ideologies: A metapragmatic approach. Social Semiotics. 2015, 25 (2): 126–141.
Talbot 1995 — Talbot M. M. A synthetic sisterhood: False friends in a teenage magazine. In: Gender articu- lated: Language and the socially constructed self. Hall K., Bucholtz M. (eds). New York: Routledge, 1995. P. 143–165.
Verschueren 2000 — Verschueren J. Notes on the role of metapragmatic awareness in language use. Pragmatics. 2000, 10 (4): 439–456.
White 2010 — White P. R. R. Taking Bakhtin Seriously: Dialogic effects in written, mass communicative discourse. Japanese Journal of Pragmatics. 2010, (12): 37–53.
Дементьев 2020 — Dementyev V.V. Headlines with figures in the media: A structural and functional analysis. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologiya. 2020, (63): 5–27. (In Russian)
Куссе, Чернявская 2019 — Kuße H., Chernyavskaya V.E. Culture: Towards its explanatory charge in discourse linguistics. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature. 2019, 16 (3): 444–462. (In Russian)
Лущиков, Терских 2018 — Lushchikov V.A., Terskikh M.V. Video blogging genre: thematic and linguistic properties. Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. Seriya: Obshchestvennye nauki. 2018, 4 (14): 57–75. (In Russian)
Молодыченко 2019 — Molodychenko E.N. “Lifestyle instruction” as an Internet genre in consumer culture: a communicative-pragmatic perspective. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologiya. 2019, (57): 79–102 (In Russian)
Молодыченко 2020 — Molodychenko E.N. Metasemiotic projects and lifestyle media: Formulating commodities as resources for identity enactment. Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2020, 24 (1): 117–136. (In Russian)
Текутьева 2016 — Tekut’eva I.A. Generic and thematic typification of video-blogging. Mediasreda. 2016, (11): 107–113. (In Russian)
Чернявская 2017 — Chemyavskaya V.E. Operationalization of Context in Discourse Analysis. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Rossiyskaya i zarubezhnaya filologiya. 2017, 9 (4), 83–93. (In Russian)
Чернявская 2020 — Сhernyavskaya V.E. Metapragmatics: When the author brings meaning and the addressee context. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature. 2020, 1 (17): 135–147. (In Russian)
Agha 2007 — Agha A. Language and social relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. 427 p.
Agha 2011 — Agha A. Commodity registers. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology. 2011, 21 (1): 22–53.
Andersen, van Leeuwen 2017 — Andersen T.H., van Leeuwen T.J. Genre crash: The case of online shopping. Discourse, Context & Media. 2017, (20): 191–203.
Askehave, Swales 2001 — Askehave I., Swales J.M. Genre identification and communicative purpose: A problem and a possible solution. Applied Linguistics. 2001, 22 (2): 195–212.
Auer 1992 — Auer P. Introduction: John Gumperz’ Approach to Contextualization. In: The Contextualization of Language. Auer P., Di Luzio A. (eds). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1992. P. 1–37.
Auer 2009 — Auer P. Context and Contextualization. In: Handbook of Pragmatics. Östman J.-O., Verschueren J. (eds). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2009. P. 86–101.
Bauman, Briggs 1990 — Bauman R., Briggs C.L. Poetics and performance as critical perspectives on language and social life. Annual Review of Anthropology. 1990, (19): 59–88.
Bhatia 2005 — Bhatia V.K. Generic patterns in promotional discourse. In: Persuasion across genres: A linguistic approach. Halmari H., Virtanen T. (eds). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2005. P. 213–225.
Bhatia 2015 — Bhatia V.K. Critical genre analysis: Theoretical preliminaries. Hermes — Journal of Language and Communication in Business. 2015, 27 (54): 9–20.
Blommaert 2015 — Blommaert J. Meaning as a nonlinear effect: The birth of cool. AILA Review. 2015, (28): 7–27.
Boyd 2014 — Boyd M. S. (New) participatory framework on YouTube? Commenter interaction in US political speeches. Journal of Pragmatics. 2014, (72): 46–58.
Cook 2001 — Cook G. The discourse of advertising (2nd ed.). London; New York: Routledge, 2001. 256 p.
Corrigan 1997 — Corrigan P. The sociology of consumption. An introduction. London: SAGE Publications, 1997. 197 p.
Devitt 2009 — Devitt A.J. Re-fusing form in genre study. In: Genres in the internet: Issues in the theory of genre. Giltrow J., Stein D. (eds). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2009. P. 27–48.
Devitt 2015 — Devitt A.J. Genre performances: John Swales’ Genre Analysis and rhetorical-linguistic genre studies. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 2015, (19): 44–51.
Hopkins 2016 — Hopkins J. The Lifestyle Blog Genre. In: Handbuch Soziale Praktiken und Digitale Alltagswelten. Friese H., Rebane G., Nolden M., Schreiter M. (eds). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2016. P. 1–8.
Kheovichai 2014 — Kheovichai B. Marketized university discourse: A synchronic and diachronic comparison of the discursive constructions of employer organizations in academic and business job advertisements. Discourse & Communication. 2014, 8 (4): 371–390.
Machin, van Leeuwen 2007 — Machin D., van Leeuwen T. Global media discourse: A critical introduction. London; New York: Routledge, 2007. 200 p.
Martin, White 2005 — Martin J.R., White P.R.R. The language of evaluation. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2005. 278 p.
Martín-Martín 2003 — Martín-Martín P. Genre and discourse community. ES: Revista de Filología Inglesa. 2003, 25 (25): 153–166.
Miller, Shepherd 2004 — Miller C., Shepherd D. Blogging as Social Action: A Genre Analysis of the Weblog. In: Into the Blogosphere Articles. Minneapolis; Saint Paul: University of Minnesota, 2004. http://hdl. handle.net/11299/172818 (accessed: 20.04.2020).
Moreno, Swales 2018 — Moreno A.I., Swales J.M. Strengthening move analysis methodology towards bridging the function-form gap. English for Specific Purposes. 2018, (50): 40–63.
Raisborough 2011 — Raisborough J. Lifestyle media and the formation of the self. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2011. 184 p.
Silverstein 1976 — Silverstein M. Shifters, linguistic categories, and cultural description. In: Meaning in anthropology. Basso K.H., Selby H.A. (eds). Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1976. P. 11–55.
Silverstein 1979 — Silverstein M. Language structure and linguistic ideology. In: The elements: A parasession on linguistic units and levels. Clyne P.R., Hanks W.F., Hofbauer C.L. (eds). Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society, 1979. P. 193–247.
Silverstein 1987 — Silverstein M. The Three Faces of “Function”: Preliminaries to a Psychology of Language. In: Social and functional approaches to language and thought. Hickmann M. (ed.). Orlando: Academic Press, 1987. P. 17–38.
Silverstein 1992 — Silverstein M. The indeterminacy of contextualization: When is enough enough? In: The Contextualization of Language. Auer P., Di Luzio A. (eds). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1992. P. 55–76.
Silverstein 1993 — Silverstein M. Metapragmatic discourse and metapragmatic function. In: Reflexive language: Reported speech and metapragmatics. Lucy J.A. (ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. P. 33–58.
Spitzmüller 2015 — Spitzmüller J. Graphic variation and graphic ideologies: A metapragmatic approach. Social Semiotics. 2015, 25 (2): 126–141.
Talbot 1995 — Talbot M.M. A synthetic sisterhood: False friends in a teenage magazine. In: Gender articulated: Language and the socially constructed self. Hall K., Bucholtz M. (eds). New York: Routledge, 1995. P. 143–165.
Verschueren 2000 — Verschueren J. Notes on the role of metapragmatic awareness in language use. Pragmatics. 2000, 10 (4): 439–456.
White 2010 — White P.R.R. Taking Bakhtin Seriously: Dialogic effects in written, mass communicative discourse. Japanese Journal of Pragmatics. 2010, (12): 37–53.
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