“Reminiscing about the past, evaluating the present and dreaming about the future of Russian science…” (Kolesov V. V. The Foundations of Science. St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriya, 2013)
This paper contains an overview of a new book by V. V. Kolesov, a prominent Russian linguist and longtime full professor at the Russian Department of St. Petersburg State University; it is also an attempt to analyze some of the most important ideas suggested by the scholar on diff erent occasions and under different circumstances, concerning fundamental questions of the current state of the Russian language and of the language sciences in Russia.
Kolesov V.V. Osnovaniia nauki [Foundations of Science]. St. Petersburg, Nestor-Istoriia Publ., 2013, 196 p.
Karasik V.I. Iazykovaia kristallizatsiia smysla [Linguistic Crystallization of Sense]. Volgograd, Paradigma Publ., 2010, 352 p.
Todorov Tsvetan. Teorii simvola [Theory of Symbols]. Moscow, Dom intellektual'noi knigi Publ., 1999, 383 p.
Likhachev D.S. O filologii [About Philology]. Moscow, Vysshaia shkola Publ., 1989, 208 p.
Metafizicheskie realisty govoriat po-russki [Metaphysical Realists Say in Russian]. Chas pik. 8–14 noiab – Rush Hour. 8–14 Nov. 2000, no. 44/147.
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