The stable and the mobile in Gleb Gorbovsky's lyrical texts. The issue of songster poets' textology


  • Екатерина Сергеевна Шерстнева Academic gymnasium of St. Petersburg State University, per. Kakhovskogo, 9, Saint Petersburg, 199155, Russian Federation


This article sums up the results of an analysis of different variants of Gleb Gorbovsky's poems written in the 1990s from the viewpoint of the typology of changes made to the text; the inhomogeneity of corrections is proved; an assumption is made that attribution of one or another textual correction is possible and necessary with the help of individual style analysis and determination of the type of creative consciousness of those participating in the editing work (here: phonetically edited / idea-oriented; other types are also possible).


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How to Cite

Шерстнева, Е. С. (2015). The stable and the mobile in Gleb Gorbovsky’s lyrical texts. The issue of songster poets’ textology. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 11(4), 58–66. Retrieved from



Literary Studies