Memory and feelings in Christmas stories of the 1840s by Ch. Dickens
The concept of “memory” is extremely important for the correct understanding and reception of Ch.Dickens’s Christmas stories cycle written in the 1840s. Publications of the stories were сalendarbased on Christmas, when people usually call to mind the birth of Jesus Christ, which predetermined the domination of the memory motif in the considered works. Lexically, it is manifested in symbolic and key phrases revealing causes and effects of the events on a metaphysical level. According to Dickens,memory consists of recollections about senses rather than things, emotions we have for those things.The works created by Dickens are a literary reminder about feelings of the epoch, when literature of the fact had almost triumphed; they reveal, perhaps, one of the unconscious intents of the creator to keep the feeling of his time for the ages to come.
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Greene R. (Ed.). The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. Princeton, Princeton Univ. Press, 2012, 1639 p.
Timko M. The Victorianism of Victorian Literature. New Literary History, 1975, vol. 6, no. 3: History and Criticism: II (Spring, 1975), pp. 607–627.
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