Out of the blue: specifying the semantic nature of the idiom
The paper deals with analyzing the semantic nature of the idiom ‘out of the blue’ within the tendency set during the last few years for moving away from viewing idioms as semantically non-compositional word groups whose meaning cannot be deduced from the meaning of its constituents. The proposed approach is based on identifying the source domain scenario of the idiom as a verbal model of human experience, which allows to reveal the figurative and evaluative potential of the idiom. The issue of differences between idiomatic word combinations and compound words often treated as idioms in dictionaries is also being outlined and the criteria for their differentiation are discussed.
idiom, figurative and evaluative potential, context, compound word
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Piirainen 2008 — Piirainen, E. “Figurative phraseology and culture”. Phraseology: An interdisciplinary perspective. Granger, S., Meunier, F. (eds.). Amsterdam; Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 2008, pp. 207–228. (In English).
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