Oral and written modes of fiction narrative and Thomas Nashe’s “The Unfortunate Traveller”


  • Иван Александрович Авраменко National research university "Higher school of economics"




The article focuses on a novelistic genre which is considered by some critics communicatively limited due to its written/printed form. In order to refute this point of view the author moves beyond the notions of orality and literacy towards the notion of mode borrowed from discourse analysis and transferred into narratology. The analysis of Thomas nashe’s significant but underestimated “The Unfortunate traveller” demonstrates how fiction narrative can model a communicative situation which presupposes simultaneous actions of writing-reading and speaking-listening. This double mode allows narration to overcome the limitations of fiction genre. The conclusions touch upon functioning of oral and written modes both in nashe’s picaresque and within work of fiction in general.


Thomas Nashe, novel, mode, narrative, orality, literacy


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Nashe 2016 — Nashe, Th. The Unfortunate Traveller, or The Life of Jack Wilton. Green, N. (ed.). The Oxford Authorship Site. Available at: http://www.oxford-shakespeare.com/Nashe/Unfortunate_Traveller.pdf (accessed: 28.12.2016). (In English)

Ong 2002 — Ong, W. J. Orality and Literacy. The Technologizing of the Word. London; New York, Routledge, 2002. 204 p. (In English)

Redeker 1984 — Redeker, G. On Differences between Spoken and Written Language. Discourse Processes. Vol. 7 (no. 1), 1984, 43–55. (In English)

Short 1996 — Short, M. Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose. London; New York, Longman, 1996. 415 p. (In English)

Sulfridge 1980 — Sulfridge, C. «The Unfortunate Traveller»: Nashe’s Narrative in a «Cleane Different Vaine». Journal of Narrative Technique. Vol. 10 (no. 1), 1980, pp. 1–15. (In English)

Tannen 1982 — Tannen, D. Oral and Literate Strategies in Spoken and Written Narratives. Language. Vol. 58 (no. 1), 1982, pp. 1–21. (In English)

Wodzak 1996 — Wodzak, V. Reading dinosaur bones: Marking the transition from orality to literacy in “The Canterbury Tales”, “Moll Flanders”, “Clarissa”, and “Tristram Shandy”. PhD diss. University of Missouri, Columbia, 1996. 172 p. (In English)



How to Cite

Авраменко, И. А. (2017). Oral and written modes of fiction narrative and Thomas Nashe’s “The Unfortunate Traveller”. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 14(3), 303–316. https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu09.2017.301



Literary Studies