Variability of intertextual elements and opportunities of polyintertextual analysis method


  • A.A. Solomonova St. Petersburg State University



This paper analyses some problems of intertextuality research: the question about the reminiscences artistic technique based on a phenomenon of reader’s perception. Secondly, the question about reminiscence-variability, allusion and “topos” that can mute texts’ relations, or they can highlight that. The variability of the intertextual elements can be regarded as a technique of complicated game with a reader that can’t be simply reduced to “the appellation to reader’s erudition”. In order to avoid textual “perusal extremity” (i. e. wrong finding in every textual element an immoderately important and massive cluster of meanings, — a negative result of so-called “close reading”-technique), we offer to distinguish two types of reminiscences with monosemantic (or simple) attribution and with obscure (or uncertain) attribution. The variability of reminiscence, allusion and “topos” is analyzed on study of two chains of literary works, bounded up together by multi-layer intertextual relations. The first chain consists: Pushkin Devils — Blok Mask of Snow — Severyanin Sonnet. The second chain: Myatlev How Fair, how Fresh were Roses… — Severyanin Classical Roses — K. Romanov Roses — Akhmadulina Deed of Rose — G. Ivanov Undertones of Rowanberry and Raspberry… That case study shows the high variability of intertextual elements and a spectrum of author’ methods to accent/ obscure the dialogue between main-text and text of contemporary / not-contemporary author. We underline, that reminiscence, allusion, “topos” and though exact citation can realize many different literary tasks: breaking off with a literary tradition or literary standard, or remaining of any tradition or debating with that, dispute with the literary type or with the author of quoted text. The analysis of polyintertextual dialogue offers us see their intricate dialogue, their consecution to pretext. We therefore claim the elaboration and interior gradation not only the terminus “reminiscence”, but the other important intertextual theory categories.


intertextuality, intertextual variability, literature of the Silver Age, Russian poetry, theory of literature, analysis of text


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How to Cite

Solomonova, A. (2018). Variability of intertextual elements and opportunities of polyintertextual analysis method. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 15(1), 111–123.



Literary Studies