Journalism 2.0: Towards definition of the concept


  • Марина Викторовна Загидуллина Chelyabinsk State University, 129, ul. Brat’ev Kashirinykh, Chelyabinsk, 454001, Russia



The object of this article is to introduce the concept of “journalism 2.0” (publitsistika 2.0) into the research discourse. The panmediatizated communication field is considered as a substratum of the journalism 2.0 phenomenon (globalization / individualization, commercialization / commoditization, panmediatization / detabooization / transparency). The boundaries of the “journalism” concept are clarified in comparison with historical definitions. The definition of the term “journalism 2.0” is proposed; essential characteristics of this media communication phenomenon are provided: ideological polarization, improvisation, search for consensus. The observations are based on an analysis of user comments in posts of the Izvestia newspaper account (Facebook and Vkontakte, 05–06.05.2017). The data comes from 813 comments. 11 cases of statements and exchanges of replicas meeting the criteria of journalism 2.0 were found. The examples of two main forms of journalism 2.0 in the current communication field are given. The perspectives of research on the boundaries of this concept and on the conditions of stability of phenomenon in current Internet-communication are considered. Analyzing examples of users’ texts and discussions the various types of constructive dialogues are explored. In this article, the author positively approach the existence of a discussion platform that creates conditions of confrontation between user’s different points of view. On the negative side, the author deems the resulting public polemics as a low level standard and nonconstructive dialogue. The users “slip” towards mutual insults, ridicule, and various forms of cyberbullying. Refering to J. Habermas’ concept, the author concludes that public discussions creates conditions for the development and proliferation of journalism 2.0.


panmediatization, mediatization, web 2.0, journalism, users comments, sers generated content, total particularities, Internet-communication, citizen journalism


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How to Cite

Загидуллина, М. В. (2018). Journalism 2.0: Towards definition of the concept. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 15(2), 220–235.


