Kasyan Agapov, Chisel and Olesha on the pages of “Gudok” (1922–1924): On the question of the function of a pseudonym


  • Nikolai A. Guskov St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia




The article is dedicated to the poems of Yuri Olesha, published in 1922–1924. in the newspaper “Gudok” under his own name and pseudonyms “Zubilo” (the Chisel) and “Kasyan Agapov” the young writer created, using the pseudonyms, two different caracters of the fictive author. At first, Zubilo and Kasyan Agapov did not differ from each other, but soon their roles were differentiated: the first became a witty feuilleton-railroad worker, writing on everyday topics and fighting bureaucracy, the second — a poet from the people, adhering to the serious theme of the official tone. Olesha soon began to sign the most serious poems of political content with his own name. The article assumes, how the using of pseudonyms is related to the position of Olesha in the historical and literary situation of the years 1920. You can found here also the traits analysis of the poetics of the poems of Zubilo and Kasyan Agapov, which were not noted by researchers, are analyzed: parodic techniques, the combination of different stylistic, thematic plans, opposite poetic and genre forms, etc. Perhaps, these signs are typicals for the poems of other representatives of the Southern (Odessa) school, who worked in “Gudok”. This opens up prospects for new research.


Yu. K. Olesha, Zubilo, “Gudok”, pseudonym, Russian literature of 20th century


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How to Cite

Guskov, N. A. (2024). Kasyan Agapov, Chisel and Olesha on the pages of “Gudok” (1922–1924): On the question of the function of a pseudonym. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 21(1), 20–41. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu09.2024.102



Literary Studies