Positive discourse analysis and latent euphemisation





The article examines some epistemic aspects of latent euphemisation in argumentative discourse. The purpose of the work is to show that, by focusing on the notion of voice which links talk and context, positive discourse analysis (PDA) can serve as a meta-orientation in analysing alternative discourses. The theoretical framework for the analysis is the pragma-dialectical approach to argumentation, which discusses methods and tools for improving discussion and reconciling dissensual opinions. According to M.Gerber, some of the potential problems of the pragma-dialectical approach are “ethical deficiencies”, “the risk of amorality” and limitations regarding the method for evaluating arguments in accordance with goals, purposes and consequences. This article argues that the pragma-dialectical approach to argumentation can be implemented to identify latent euphemisation as fallacious reasoning. However, the evaluation of language use as latently euphemistic, and consequently, fallacious, is an epistemic judgment that needs to take into account discussants’ epistemic and epistemological boundaries and commitments, including ethical considerations. As communication can lead to miscommunication unless a common epistemological background is shared, latent euphemisation can be seen as a result of inconsistent epistemological positions whose potential motives and consequences need to be addressed.


positive discourse analysis (PDA), pragma-dialectical approach, latent euphemisation, ambiguity, unclearness


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How to Cite

Radulović, M. (2022). Positive discourse analysis and latent euphemisation. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 18(4), 893–909. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu09.2021.416


