Gender-fair language as an object of amateur language criticism in German media
The article deals with interpretation of gender problems in amateur criticism of the German language. The goal of the study is to define specific features of gender-fair language forms, to detect the arguments of the discussion members as well as their linguistic explanation, and to consider the means of assessment used in discussion about gender-fair language. The materials examined were taken from German online-media for the period 2017 to 2021. The main research method is multifaceted discourse analysis which considers the trans-textual situation, intra-textual features and positions of the actors. The study is based on the achievements of feministic and gender linguistics. Examining gender-fair lexical units demonstrates their heterogeneity in form (natural and man-made) and content (gender specific and gender neutral). The arguments of the discussion members deal with important language problems, such as the possibility of a conscious change of language forms, the influence of language changes on the non-linguistic reality, understanding of grammar categories (gender of nouns), communicative function of the language, and problems of practical usage of language forms: intelligibility, reproducibility, compliance with mental and ethical norms. The analysis of evaluative vocabulary and keywords demonstrates conventionality and the reserve of assessments given by supporters of gender-fair language as well as the emotionality and figurativeness of assessments provided by opponents. The study of gender problems in amateur language criticism and their linguistic comprehension contributes to the development of modern scientific language criticism.
gender linguistic, German language, language criticism, discourse analysis, media linguistics
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