Institutional discourse of the modern Spanish monarchy: Communicative strategies and tactics in Felipe VI’s speeches
In the article, Felipe VI’s public speeches (from 2014 to 2020) are considered an example of institutional status-oriented discourse. In the framework of the critical discourse analysis, the speeches are thought to be a communicative practice aimed at establishing a set of traditional values and patterns, to maintain social order and expand certain political ideas. The monarch uses communicative strategies and tactics differently depending on the addressee. The speeches delivered in the country employ a wider range of instruments of speech influence and a greater variety of means of linguistic expression, which are related to the role of the monarch as a guarantor of sustainable development of the state and preservation of national identity, as well as the need to establish the authority of the monarch in the eyes of citizens and unite Spanish society on the basis of national values. The monarch’s speeches are primarily
characterized by the use of a self-presentation strategy (identification and solidarization tactics), an emotional attitude strategy (tactics of unity, tactics of appealing to the addressee’s emotions, and tactics of value orientation), an argumentative strategy (tactics of pointing to the future, reasonable assessments) and an agitation strategy (tactics of promise and appeal). His speeches
delivered abroad are less emotional, which can be explained by his status as the Head of state on the international arena. The strategy of a country’s presentation (tactics of creating a country’s image) is actively employed, as well as the interpretative (tactics of recognizing the existence of a problem and indicating a solution) and declarative strategies (tactics of demonstrating an official
institutional discourse, status-oriented discourse, Spanish monarchy, public speech, speech strategies
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Ventero Velasco 2010 — Ventero Velasco M. Los mensajes de Navidad del Rey. Madrid: La Ley, 2010. 438 p.
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