On the history of the texts of the Moscow Anfologion of 1660: Chapters… from the book Paradise and Tetrastichae sententiae by Gregory Nazianzen
The article is devoted to the publication history of two poetic gnomologies (collections of maxims) as part of the collection “Anfologion” published in 1660 at the Moscow Print Yard. This collection house primarily published works translated from the Modern Greek Venetian editions, which presented new versions of monuments of hagiography and Byzantine patristic heritage, theological treatises and poetic works of medieval Christian authors. Some translations were made by the publisher — director (spravshchik) of the Printing House Arseny Grek. Among his translations there were also collections of poetic maxims Chapters… from the book Paradise and Tetrastichae sententiae by Gregory Nazianzen. Until now these texts were known in Slavic translation only from the Moscow edition of 1660. The article provides information about the previously unknown translation of both gnomologies, found in a Western Russian manuscript of the early 17th century. The study of the texts showed that one of them ( Chapters… from the Book Paradise ) was published in Anfologion in this translation, and the newly found translation of the maxims of Gregory Nazianzen was used by Arseny Greek to work on his text. The author expresses a hypothesis about the origin of the newly found translation of two gnomologies from the literary circles of the Ostrog Book publishing Center, and its possible attribution to Cyprian, the author, publisher and translator directly related to the works of the Ostrog printing house and the printing house of the Derman Monastery. Newly found translations are published in the Appendix.
Moscow Printing Yard, translation, Greek sources, Western Russian manuscript tradition, Ostrog Book publishing Center
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