About the Journal

Founded in 1946, “Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature” is a peer-reviewed journal to publish research articles and critical reviews in Russian and English. They are designed to reflect research developments in linguistics, literary studies and interdisciplinary studies in the humanities, and also to present a diversity of approaches and pluralism of opinion. Particular attention is paid to works that continue the traditions of Russian, Saint Petersburg and Saint Petersburg University scholarship.

«Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature» is a peer-reviewed and open access journal. All its content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, research, download, copy, print, distribute, or link to the full texts of the papers, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from publisher or the author. The fee for the use of materials is not charged.

The Open Journal System (OJS) platform is used to manage the editorial and publishing process.

Vestnik of Saint-Petersburg University. Language and Literature is published quarterly.

The Journal is included in the list of the leading refereed academic journals and periodicals recommended by the Higher Attestation Committee at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, assigned for publication of the key results of doctoral dissertations (including the both Russian doctoral degrees: the PhD and the Doctor of sciences in philological sciences).

Vestnik of Saint-Petersburg University. Language and Literature is covered by the following databases: EBSCO, Ulrich’s Periodicals DirectoryERIH PLUS, eLIBRARY.ru, EastView, CyberLeninkaICI Journals Master List, Brill Linguistic Bibliography (Online), Russian Science Citation index (included in multidisciplinary resources of Web of Science), Web of Science Core Collection (Emerging Sources Citation Index), Scopus.

ISSN: 2541-9358 (print version), 2541-9366 (on-line version)

History of the journal
1946–1951 — Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta
1952–1955 — Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta. Seria 3. Obshchestvennye nauki
1956–1990 — Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta. Seria 2. Istoria, yazik, literatura (ISSN 0024-0842)
1991–2003 — Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta. Seria 2. Istoria, yazikoznanie, literaturovedenie (ISSN 1019-8962)
2004–2016 — Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Series 9. Philology. Asian Studies. Journalism (ISSN 1813-1921)
2017 — current — Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature (ISSN 2541-9358; e-ISSN 2541-9366)  

Saint Petersburg State University

St. Petersburg University Press
6th Line V.O., 11, Saint Petersburg, 199004, Russia
Director of the St. Petersburg University Press: Elena V. Lebedkina