Classification of speech acts with future semantics (in the German language)


  • Елена Владимировна Боднарук Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V.Lomonosov, Institute of Philology and Cross- Cultural Communication, 17, Nab. Severnoi Dvini, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation


The article is an attempt to systemize and classify speech acts that have to do with the future field; it also characterizes the types of prospective-oriented speech-acts and shows the main linguistic means of their formation in the German language. The classification is based on the division of speech acts on informing, incentive, modal-evaluative, contactive and metacommunicative ones. These types of the speech acts are re-analyzed by taking into account their time localization, degree of the actions’ controllability, as well as the roles of the speaker and the receiver in its realization. Application of said criteria has allowed to develop the taxonomy with 37 prospective-focused speech acts of informing, incentive and modal-evaluative character. Contactive and metacommunicative speech acts show certain diffusiveness of temporal semantics, forming a peripheral zone of classification. Speech acts of future questions are also looked into. 


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How to Cite

Боднарук, Е. В. (2015). Classification of speech acts with future semantics (in the German language). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 12(2), 62–75. Retrieved from


