Evidentiality and epistemic modality: Overlap view within word semantics
The starting point for this paper was the profound works by S. T. Nefedov who analyzed a wide range of problems in the field of modality. The article studies the specificity of the relationship between the two categories of epistemic modality and evidentiality. The former is used by the speaker to provide a source or evidence for the speaker’s claim, the latter performatively expresses the subjective opinion about the truth of a proposition. Despite the independent status recognized for evidentiality and epistemic modality, they are realized within the same proposition. The study of their relation is approached in this paper through the prototypical evidential marker hearsay. The choice of the marker is caused by its complex semantics combining epistemic and evidential components that allows to clarify the nature of the relations between the categories under study. The semasiological and onomasiological approaches to achieve the goal are realized by means of componential analysis supplemented with a number of techniques of the logical-semantic conception, as well as the contextual method. The analysis and generalization of the lexicographic meaning of the word hearsay revealed five lexico-semantic variants within the semanteme. At the level of the semantics of the evidential, the epistemic meaning is incorporated into the componential composition of all the sememes. The paper introduces the term “interplay” to denote the ambiguous and asymmetric nature of the evidentiality and epistemic modality integration. In addition, their interplay turns out to be inferent. This is expressed in the difference in distance from the source of acquired knowledge (second/ third-hand evidence attributed to the quotative and the reportative respectively) conveyed in the semanteme that implies a different degree of epistemicity manifesting gradient properties. Thus, an appeal to the notion of evidence and a level approach to its classification contributes to a deeper understanding of the reasons for the expansion of evidential meanings and the nature of their overlap with epistemic ones.
epistemic modality, evidentiality, evidential marker, hearsay, interplay
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Dewhurst 2014 — Dewhurst T. Knowledge through Communication: A response to the question of how testimony-based knowledge is possible. Thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Cape Town, 2014. von Fintel, Gillies 2007 — von Fintel K., Gillies A. S. An Opinionated Guide to Epistemic Modality. Oxford Studies in Epistemology. Gendler T., Hawthorne J. (eds). 2007, (2): 32–62.
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Hassler 2015 — Hassler G. Evidentiality and the expression of speaker’s stance in Romance languages and German. Discourse Studies. 2015, 17 (2): 182 –209.
Hassler 2021 — Hassler G. Evidentiality in Romance Languages. Explanatory Potential of a Concept and Its Applications in Pragmatics. Cadernos de Linguística. 2021, 2 (1): 1–32.
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Kratzer 2012 — Kratzer A. Modals and Conditionals: New and Revised Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
Mañoso-Pacheco et al. 2020 — Mañoso-Pacheco L., Sánchez-Cabrero R., Arigita-García A., Pericacho-Gómez F. J. Evidentiality in the Discourse. Setting Boundaries. Enero — Junio. 2020, 13 (26): 58–77.
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Plungian 2001 — Plungian V. The place of evidentiality within the universal grammatical space. Journal of Pragmatics. 2001, (33): 349–357.
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Simons 2007 — Simons M. Observations on embedding verbs, evidentiality, and presupposition. Lingua. 2007, 117 (6): 1034–1056.
Song 2014 — Song M.-Y. The Semantics of hearsay evidentials in propositional attitude constructions. Studies in Modern Grammar. 2014, (81): 139–164.
Speas 2004 — Speas M. Evidentiality, logophoricity and the syntactic representation of pragmatic features. Lingua. 2004, (114): 255–276.
Sweetser 1984 — Sweetser E. E. Semantic Structure and Semantic Change: English Perception-Verbs in an Indo-European Context. Trier: L. A. U. T., 1984.
Tosun, Vaid 2018 — Tosun S., Vaid J. Activation of Source and Stance in Interpreting Evidential and Modal Expressions in Turkish and English. Dialogue & Discourse. 2018, 9 (1): 128–162.
Wiemer 2010 — Wiemer B. Hearsay in European Languages toward an integrative account of grammatical and lexical marking. In: Linguistic Realization of Evidentiality in European Languages. Diewald G., Smirnova E. (eds). Berlin; New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2010. P. 59–129.
Willett 1988 — Willett T. A Cross-Linguistic Survey of the Grammaticalization of Evidentiality. Studies in Language. 1988, 12 (1): 51–97.
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