The phonetic realization of Russian pitch accents in contrastive questions and enumeration contexts




  • This paper presents the results of a phonetic experiment that compares the acoustic features of rising pitch configurations used in contrastive questions and on non-last elements of a list in enumeration contexts in Russian. 23 native Russian speakers were instructed to read aloud pairs of stimuli with similar segmental structure embedded in larger texts. Significant differences were found between the two syntactic context conditions. In enumeration contexts, both local minima and maxima associated with the prominent syllable had a significantly earlier and more stable alignment, and the slope of the rise between the tonal targets was steeper. In addition, the effect of the speech rate on these acoustic features was tested. The effects of fast and slow reading turned out to be asymmetric. In line with the segmental anchoring hypothesis, no significant effect of fast speech rate on alignment and pitch range was found; only the effect on slope was significant. Conversely, while reading the texts intentionally slowly the participants consistently used melodies with later alignment of local minima and maxima and larger pitch range. On the one hand, these data can be indicative of the interchangeability of stylistically marked pitch accent postulated for the incompleteness contexts in traditional descriptions of Russian intonation. On the other hand, this interpretation cannot account for the fact that the rightward shift in alignment in slow tempo was also found in the contrastive question condition.


phonetics, intonation, pitch accent, alignment, speech rate


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Rathcke 2013 — Rathcke T. On the neutralizing status of truncation in intonation: A perception study of boundary tones in German and Russian. Journal of Phonetics. 2013, (41): 172–185.

Schepman et al. 2006 — Schepman A., Lickley R., Ladd D.R. Effects of vowel length and ‘right context’ on the alignment of Dutch nuclear accents. Journal of Phonetics. 2006, (34): 1–28.

Svetozarova 1998 — Svetozarova N. Intonation in Russian. In: Intonation Systems: A Survey of Twenty Languages. Hirst D., Di Cristo A. (eds). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. С. 264–277.

Wickham 2016 — WickhamH. ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2016.



How to Cite

Duryagin, P. V. (2022). The phonetic realization of Russian pitch accents in contrastive questions and enumeration contexts. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 19(1), 81–102.


