Theory of signs and ideas on the relation between language and thought at the border between the 18th and 19th centuries: A case study of the ideologist’s activity in Saint Petersburg
The name Ideologues refers to a group of philosophers, psychologists, grammarians, educational theorists and medical specialists who for a short period from 1795 to 1805 determined the intellectual climate in France and sought to develop a science of ideas (idéologie). The Ideologues had a rather reserved attitude to Condillac’s (1714–1780) ideas and his sensualist sign theory. They strove for the perfection of language for the needs of thought and of scientific knowledge. The connections with the Ideologues can also be discerned in Russia. In the educational theory, Jean-Baptiste Maudru (1740–1808) was close to the Ideologues and, despite his insufficient knowledge of the Russian language, made some interesting remarks on the connection between the language and the national character. According to Maudru and in agreement with the Ideologues, different typologies of word order are not just an indication of greater or lesser closeness to the natural order. Rather, they indicate differences in national character, which manifest themselves in the specific character of individual languages. Maudru taught at the military academy in Saint Petersburg and published the first Russian grammar in France (Maudru 1802). In his grammar, he sought to link mechanically the specific features of languages and of national characters with the climatic influences. His attempt to revive the theory of climatic influences was criticized by Karamzin. Karamzin also treated the discussion of the metaphoric extension of word meanings as an absurd undertaking, which had no place in grammar.
Ideologues, sign, grammar, language and thought
Archaimbault 1998 — Archaimbault S. Jean-Baptiste Maudru ou le regard de la grammaire generale francaise sur la langue russe. Slavica Occitania. 1998, 6: 13–26.
Bache 1982 — Bache C. Aspect and Aktionsart: towards a semantic distinction. Linguistics. 1982, 18: 57–72.
Binnick 2012 — Binnick R. I. The Oxford handbook of tense and aspect. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. 1089 p.
Busse, Trabant 1986 — Les Idéologues. Sémiotique, théories et politiques linguistiques pendant la Révolution française. Proceedings of the Conference, held at Berlin, October 1983. Busse W., Trabant J. (eds.). Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1986. 404 s.
Haßler 1999 — Haßler G. Sprachtheorie der ‚idéologues‘. In: Geschichte der Sprachtheorie. Schmitter P. (Hg.). Bd. 4. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 1999. S. 201–229.
Haßler 2001 — Haßler G. ‚Ideologische‘ Sprachtheorie in Rußland. In: Russische Aufklärungs-Rezeption im Kontext offizieller Bildungskonzepte (1700–1825). Lehmann-Carli G., Schippan M., Scholz B., Brohm S. (Hg.). Berlin: Berlin Verlag; Spitz, 2001. S. 609–625.
Haßler 2007 — Haßler G. Texts of Reference and Serial Texts in the Constitution of a Notional Paradigm: The example of the French ideologues. In: History of Linguistics 2002. Selected papers from the ninth International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences, 27–30 August 2002, São Paulo — Campinas. Guimarães E., Pessoa de Barros L. D. (eds.). Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2007. P. 63–71.
Haßler 2016 — Haßler G. Degérando’s three prize essays and the shift in linguistic thought at the turn of the 19th century. In: History of Linguistics 2014. Selected papers from the 13th International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS XIII), Vila Real, Portugal, 25–29 August 2014. Assunção A., Fernandes G., Kemmler R. (eds.). Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2016. P. 149–160.
Haßler, Neis 2009 — Haßler G., Neis C. Lexikon sprachtheoretischer Grundbegriffe des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009. 2 Bde., 1880 s.
Kriajeva 2013 — Kriajeva N. Jean Baptiste Maudru: partisan ordinaire de la grammaire générale et de la pédagogie des Lumières. In: Le précepteur francophone en Europe XVIII–XIX siècles. Rjeoutski V., Tchoudinov A. (eds.). Paris: l’Harmattan, 2013. P. 391–424.
Schlieben-Lange 1989–94 — Europäische Sprachwissenschaft um 1800: methodologische und historiographische Beiträge zum Umkreis der „idéologie“. Schlieben-Lange B. et al. (ed.). Münster: Nodus Publikationen, 1989–1994. 4 Bde.
Schlieben-Lange 1996 — Schlieben-Lange B. Idéologie, révolution et uniformité de la langue. Liège: Mardaga, 1996. 216 p.
Vendler 1957 — Vendler Z. Verbs and Times. Philosophical Review. 1957, 66: 143–160.
Archaimbault 1998 — Archaimbault S. Jean-Baptiste Maudru ou le regard de la grammaire generale francaise sur la langue russe. Slavica Occitania. 1998, 6: 13–26.
Bache 1982 — Bache C. Aspect and Aktionsart: towards a semantic distinction. Linguistics. 1982, 18: 57–72.
Binnick 2012 — Binnick R. I. The Oxford handbook of tense and aspect. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. 1089 p.
Busse, Trabant 1986 — Les Idéologues. Sémiotique, théories et politiques linguistiques pendant la Révolution française. Proceedings of the Conference, held at Berlin, October 1983. Busse W., Trabant J. (eds.). Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1986. 404 S.
Haßler 1999 — Haßler G. Sprachtheorie der ‚idéologues‘. In: Geschichte der Sprachtheorie. Schmitter P. (Hg.). Bd. 4. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 1999. S. 201–229.
Haßler 2001 — Haßler G. ‚Ideologische‘ Sprachtheorie in Rußland. In: Russische Aufklärungs-Rezeption im Kontext offizieller Bildungskonzepte (1700–1825). Lehmann-Carli G., Schippan M., Scholz B., Brohm S. (Hg.). Berlin: Berlin Verlag; Spitz, 2001. S. 609–625.
Haßler 2007 — Haßler G. Texts of Reference and Serial Texts in the Constitution of a Notional Paradigm: The example of the French ideologues. In: History of Linguistics 2002. Selected papers from the ninth International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences, 27–30 August 2002, São Paulo —Campinas. Guimarães E., Pessoa de Barros L. D. (eds.). Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2007. P. 63–71
Haßler 2016— Haßler G. Degérando’s three prize essays and the shift in linguistic thought at the turn of the 19th century. In: History of Linguistics 2014. Selected papers from the 13th International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS XIII), Vila Real, Portugal, 25–29 August 2014. Assunção A., Fernandes G., Kemmler R. (eds.). Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2016. P. 149–160.
Haßler, Neis 2009 — Haßler G., Neis C. Lexikon sprachtheoretischer Grundbegriffe des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009. 2 Bde., 1880 S.
Kriajeva 2013 — Kriajeva N. Jean Baptiste Maudru: partisan ordinaire de la grammaire générale et de la pédagogie des Lumières. In: Le précepteur francophone en Europe XVIII–XIX siècles. Rjeoutski V., Tchoudinov A. (eds.). Paris: l’Harmattan, 2013. P. 391–424.
Schlieben-Lange 1989–94 — Europäische Sprachwissenschaft um 1800: methodologische und historiographische Beiträge zum Umkreis der „idéologie“. Schlieben-Lange B. et al. (ed.). Münster: Nodus Publikationen, 1989–1994. 4 Bde.
Schlieben-Lange 1996 — Schlieben-Lange B. Idéologie, révolution et uniformité de la langue. Liège: Mardaga, 1996. 216 p.
Vendler 1957 — Vendler Z. Verbs and Times. Philosophical Review. 1957, 66: 143–160.
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