Assumptions of mass-media contributors about sources of language norms and rules of language use (based on survey materials)
The article represents the results of a survey among mass-media contributors (journalists, editors, content-managers) on their assumptions about compulsory requirements to use the national language in mass-media, inter alia — what legal limitations are established for this, which sources are used for the norms of the Russian language, those necessary to follow, and if mass-media contributors are specially trained on these norms in editorials offices. The survey showed that only a quarter of respondents knew about the compulsory rule to follow the norms of contemporary standard (literary) Russian in spheres where the national language (including mass-media) is used, and only 6% knew about the necessity to adhere to the official norms. A comparable number of respondents knew the sources for these norms. This leads to the conclusion that requirements to follow the norms of contemporary standard language established by legislation on national language are not effective. The widespread use of the Internet, primarily the site, articulately indicates the need to update the source of official norms of contemporary standard Russian language for its use as the national language. This source should be electronic and freely accessible, uniting different dictionaries and reference books, in order to provide comprehensive information on the norms for using acertain word in a particular language situation. More than 50% of respondents knew about the existence of mechanisms of state control over compliance with the requirements of language legislation, but they were not familiar with the actual requirements of this legislation. Editorial offices of media organizations do not pay due attention to this question.
national language, norms of contemporary standard Russian language, normative dictionaries and reference books, mass-media language
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