“King Lear” in the translations by Mikhail Kuzmin and Anna Radlova
The aim of this article is to correct the generally accepted authorship of Cordelia’s Ballad set to the music of Shostakovich. As a result of archival research, it has become clear that it is not Michail Kuzmin but Anna Radlova who is the author of this poem’s text that was set to the music of Shostakovich. The article then proceeds to describe how the name of the real author of ‘The Ballad of Cordelia’ had been lost. For this purpose the translation history of Shakespeare’s plays in the 1930s under Academia Publishing House has been recreated. Thus, the main focus of this article is the translation history of “King Lear” play by Michael Kuzmin and the editorship of Anna Radlova.
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