The ludic potential of free and bound semiotic resources in the postmodernist picturebook
The paper offers a complex linguosemiotic, cognitive-discursive, and stylistic analysis of various semiotic resources which act synergetically and contribute to the emergence of a new type of children’s fiction, the so-called postmodernist picturebook. Picturebooks created at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries are examined. The paper hypothesizes a multimodal metafictional narrative as a new generic form of Metafiction, a wide-spread postmodernist literary genre. Postulated in this research as a type of postmodernist picturebooks, multimodal metafictional narrative is characterized by explicit ludic modality conditioned in the analyzed fiction by the creative use of free and bound semiotic resources and the cognitive mechanism of multimodal resonance, activated in postmodernist picturebooks. The category of ludic modality is manifested in multimodal metafiction through the visualization mechanism of the “authorial mask” and the visual foregrounding of “creative chronotopos”. The readers of such picturebooks, both young and adult, are transformed into “viewers” and co-creators navigating such multimodal fictional worlds. The paper identifies and describes constitutive features of the multimodal metafictional narrative, such as an introduction of multimodal peritextual elements triggering an explicit ludic effect, modelling an image of the illustrator as a new “co-author” of the book which enhances its physicality effect on the reader; a creative use of free semiotic resources involved in visualizing a topos of “extradiegetic addressee”. The findings of the research also reveal numerous functions of the multimodal resonance as a dynamic cognitive-discursive phenomenon in the multimodal metafiction: it plays a crucial role in the plot construction as well as carries out ludic and emotive functions.
postmodernist picturebook, multimodal metafictional narrative, explicit ludic modality, free and bound semiotic resources, multimodal resonance
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Serafini 2005 — Serafini F. Voices in the park, voices in the classroom: Readers responding to postmodern picture books. Reading Research and Instruction. 2005, 44 (3): 47–64. van Leeuwen 2005 — van Leeuwen Th. Introducing social semiotics. New York; London: Routledge, 2005.
Walton 1990 — Walton R. Mimesis as Make–Believe. London: Harvard University Press, 1990.
Waugh 1984 — Waugh P. Metafiction. The Theory and Practice of Self — Conscious Fiction. London; New York: Methuen, 1984.
Wolfenbarger, Sipe 2007 — Wolfenbarger C. D., Sipe L. R. A unique visual and literary art form: Recent research on picture books. Language Arts. 2007, 84 (3): 273–280.
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