About the language of the “Military regulations of the field infantry service” of Paul I
The article discusses the features of the language of the military regulations of 1796 by Paul I. Similar studies on the language of military regulations from the times of Peter I and Catherine II are used as comparative material. The multi-level features of the text are described. A number of judgments of historians, biographers of Paul I are given, indicating that the emperor wanted, first of all, to revive the “strictness of military service” of Catherine II. It is emphasized that the number of chapter sections containing an explanation of the reasons for such strict requirements, which is typical for the Peter’s regulations of 1716 (expressed by constructions with conjunctions ibo, ponezhe, daby, etc.), is extremely small in the Pavlovian regulations. It is significant that the most active grammatical means of expressing imperativeness, as the main semantic-pragmatic category of the regulations genre, is the infinitive, which has a high degree of categoricalness. Various syntactic constructions are described that express the meaning of command, obligation, necessity, etc. Numerous lexical actualizers of the semantics of imperativeness (zhivo, provorno, skoro, vdrug, srazu, razom, nezamedlitel’no, etc.), substantively reinforcing this categoricalness, are not found in the statutory texts of the times of Peter I and Catherine II. Not so frequent are modal structures with lexical operators “nadlezhit/dolzhen/nado + infinitive”. The noted multi-level linguistic features of the charter of 1796 testify to the fully developed military underlay of the official language of the 18th century, many features of which have survived to this day.
text of military regulations, official style of the 18th century, military style, historical stylistics
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